PLO100z - Top two deep, questions about multiple streets

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PLO100z - Top two deep, questions about multiple streets

BN: $16.18
SB: $100
BB: $110.85
UTG: $260.87
HJ: $70.32
CO: $288.99 (Hero)
What's up guys, a holdem convert here trying to get into PLO. Criticism is very welcome regarding any part of the hand or my thinking.

Only have 33 hands on UTG. So far I have him as 31/28 and seems decently aggressive postflop as well. Obviously such a small sample is not too reliable, but I think we can assume he's reg-ish and def not a loose passive fish or a huge nit.
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt J Q 8 T
UTG raises to $2.50, HJ folds, Hero calls $2.50, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds
SB seems nitty, BB is a decent reg. Looking back, I think I might actually prefer a 3bet since the hand is nice and well connected but not a monster multiway and we're IP deep. Opinions?
Flop ($6.50) 5 8 Q (2 Players)
UTG bets $4.09, Hero calls $4.09
Don't think anything but calling makes sense, never folding obv and raising will get us owned especially this deep since most of the runouts suck when we make ranges narrower with a flop raise.
Turn ($14.68) 5 8 Q 4 (2 Players)
UTG bets $9.25, Hero calls $9.25
Obviously still not folding. No reads on his betting ranges (or the sizing), but I don't think his UTG range has super many 76xx or sets on this board, though he can still have them for sure. Not even a lot of 2pair, really. I assume he often has some pair+draw type of hand (overpair+FD/GS, Qxxx with overs/FD/SD) or a combo draw.

Anyone like raising turn? If villain mostly has hands that aren't super strong but improve on many rivers, it seems like we could make villain fold decent equity/river playability kinda often. I don't think villain can go crazy 3betting this deep and, if called, we still have some equity and implied odds.
River ($33.18) 5 8 Q 4 5 (2 Players)
UTG bets $19
I guess this is one of the worst rivers for my range? I feel that the majority of my range is stuff like Qxxx/pair+draw that can't beat AA/KK, while villain has plenty of those + the occasional stronger hands. What am I calling here with?

I guess I have some Q5xx/85xx/88xx/draw with a 5, but not many of those in my pre range vs. UTG. Then there's some weaker AAxx I might flat pre. Top set and 76xx I think I usually raise earlier, but probably a few of those as well. Is that a somewhat reasonable range to call/raise OTR or am I way off? It feels like such a good spot for villain to bet really wide, but maybe there's nothing I can do about it.

As to our actual hand, I guess it's a fold since we block plenty of his missed draws and not much else. We do block boats but I think I should be raising this river very very rarely since I rep so thin for value. Raising weak underfulls feels kinda thin/risky this deep and most of the sets I probably raise earlier in the hand and thus are not in my call twice range.


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patrick 10 years, 6 months ago

Both 3betting and calling are okay, usually I'm a bit more conservative with 3betting UTG ranges but him being probably on the looser side I think the 3bet is legit.
Flop call is standard without further reads.
On the turn I'd go for a raise, one reason is that like you said he has 76 rarely but improves on a lot of rivers. Even if he doesn't he will often shut down because there are many scary rivers for him. 

A reason for calling the turn would be that your hand is a bit disguised and he may c/c the river on blanks with a worse hand than ours, but it's not gonna happen too often so I stick with raise turn.

superT 10 years, 6 months ago
Cool, thanks for the comment. How much
are you raising ott, full pot (around $42 right?) or something smaller
in the $30-35 range?
anguss6757 10 years, 6 months ago

Hi guys


Preflop: i prefer 3bet here, to represent a
wider range in
which a
hand like yours is.

still fine, as deep you’ll have lot of possibilities otf and after.

top 2/BDFD Q high and also gutshot.

I’m not raising here a large part of my
range, then I’m not raising here as well.

He could call us a lot with this stacks and
on many cards we are in the dark.

Any hearts, Tens,kings,aces.

Calling here seems to be “standard”.

Turn: I would raise a lot of hands, now the
draw equity is weakened and we can represent a nut on this card (67) who make
sense to only peeling flop.

I think we have equity and fold equity and
both gives us a nice spot to raise.

 i agree Patrick, near to 30$ is good and enough here.

As played :

River is one of worst cards possible. He won’t
have all the time KK/AA but this cards is not great for our range.

Raise here won’t make sense but calling
sounds good.

I call here, he could bet with AQ/KQ and a
lot of weaker hands thinking you missed your draw


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