PLO100 turn line with top pair + solid draws 3way

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PLO100 turn line with top pair + solid draws 3way

CO seems pretty weaktight so far, playing 22/14 over 80 hands. Very passive postflop and folds quite a lot on every street so far. UTG is pretty unknown, seems to be a fish on the tighter side so far.

Flop should be standard vs weak/straightforward villains. How do you play turn?

We have around 44% equity 3way OTT, so our hand is obviously very strong. However, the situation is sort of way ahead/way behind since against the stronger parts of their range (straights, sets and aces up) we only have ~25% equity (assuming we go in HU vs that range), whereas the rest we mostly crush (JJ-KK, pair+weaker FD/GS etc., 74% eq 3way if we remove top range for both villains). I also think that villains fold most hands that we crush if we barrel turn, but rarely fold the stronger ones.

Since betting seems to isolate us vs hands that have us in bad shape, and we don't need a ton of protection, I think I like checking turn. I'm probably peeling a smaller bet from CO and folding if he bombs it (since he's so passive/not bluffy postflop), depending on UTG too ofc. Checking also improves our implied odds OTR since we can overflush a weak FD that might fold turn, or make the wheel/top2 and get a vbet in against some two pair for example. Thoughts?

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