PLO100 - toppair w/ sidecards IP facing c-bet in 3-bet pot
Posted by Ibra Cadabra
Posted by Ibra Cadabra posted in Low Stakes
PLO100 - toppair w/ sidecards IP facing c-bet in 3-bet pot
CO: $78.31
BN: $107.30 (Hero)
SB: $74.12
BB: $197.47
Villain is a tough opponent playing 37/25 and 3-betting around 9%. He squeezes pretty wide (around 7% over 2,100 hands). For example, I saw him squeeze 9876ss from the BB vs. my CO open and a 45bb SB's call. In this hand SB is a huge fish, and since I opened from the BTN, this is probably where villain's squeeze range is as wide as it gets. No other reads or notes or stats that are out of line or anything.
On the flop I'm pretty much clueless, and I didn't like any option. Folding seemed way too weak. I disliked floating because none of my two pair outs are clean, and I also lose the ability to rep clubs on later streets (because basically any flush draw would just raise/gii right?). Raising and getting it in with SPR 5.5 seemed too optimistic too. I don't think I do well against a gii range, which means I need to get a fold pretty often to show a profit. So, how to proceed? Any thoughts appreciated.
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