PLO100 - SB vs. UTG awkward turn spot on ante table

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PLO100 - SB vs. UTG awkward turn spot on ante table

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players) CO: $145.53
BN: $113.05
SB: $100.00
BB: $155.74
UTG: $100.00 (Hero)
MP: $291.90
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is UTG with A J Q A
Hero raises to $4.70, 3 folds, SB calls $4.20, BB folds
Flop ($11.60) 8 7 3
SB bets $7.00, Hero calls $7.00
Turn ($25.60) 8 7 3 K
SB bets $19.00, Hero

Villain is a regular playing 34/16/6.8 with AF 2.3 so somewhat on the passive side, especially when it comes to c-betting and stabbing. Likes to c/r (vs. c-bets) though, and also seems to like barreling through once he started betting. Donk-bet 13%. In general he's a bit of a station/non-believer (several notes that confirm this). All in all not the best player in the world, but not a bad player either.

His donk-bet got me confused. Doesn't really seem like a board that's better for his range than for mine, so I'm not really sure what to make of his bet. I think his range mostly consists out of "bluff" donk-bets (8xxx and 7xxx type of hands with backdoor draws?) and real strong hands (top two + gs/oesd or a JT9 wrap or something). Regardless I think floating is the only reasonable option.

The fact that this is an ante table and that I potted it pre-flop results into a SPR lower than usual in single-raised pots. This makes the turn awkward imo, because I feel like his bet forces me to basically decide for my entire stack there and then. Lack of a solid and comprehensive game plan on the flop came back to haunt me on the turn.

Who has got something sensible to say about all of this, because I simply don't know. Thanks in advance.

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