PLO100 - Flop play with wrap in 3bet pot
Posted by superT
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Low Stakes
PLO100 - Flop play with wrap in 3bet pot
SB: $242.33
BB: $101 (Hero)
UTG: $88.50
HJ: $212.91
CO: $100
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $3, BN folds, SB folds, Hero raises to $9.50, CO calls $6.50
We hit a nice wrap with two BDFDs. How do you guys proceed, both against this particular villain and readless?
Obviously betting can't be bad with nice equity and no SDV. We can get it in if villain raises, and if called, we can barrel most turns against a range that's mostly weakish one pair hands looking to pick up something on the turn. I guess the plan is to pot/call most turns, maybe consider something else if we hit and on total blanks (only a few cards in the deck)?
Check/potting looks nice as well. Villain won't have a hand that can bet/GII too often, and even if he does we have 40-45% equity. We get a bet out of his air hands quite often, not to mention anything he bet/folds will have decent equity vs. our J-high. We are also in a nice situation if it checks through since V will likely bet most of his solid hands on the flop. With our reads I think I prefer this option since he'll likely stab/fold 40-50% equity a lot.
Check/calling I don't like too much. I think on this flop we can be pretty aggressive with our range since villain won't have a strong hand too often and we connect pretty well (overpairs can vbet and we have plenty of strong Qxxx and solid draws), and with this hand I'd rather go for a line that generates fold equity.
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I'd go for x/pot or betting myself. The former is a good option, but I usually do the latter for two reasons.
Firstly, we have good equity against pretty much anything but we don't have any SDV with our J-high, so if we bet and he folds that's awesome. Secondly, if he calls our bet and turn brings a straight, these are (usually) bad cards for our range and we can expect him to stab/value bet light/protect light with a large chunk of his range. In other words, we have good implied odds on hitting a straight.
If we miss on the turn it doesn't really matter, we can just pot and get him to fold, or get it in with enough equity almost always.
Most of these ideas are very well explained in one of Phil's recent vids, "Playing 3b pots OOP" part 1 and 2. I would highly recommend you to watch them if you haven't already.
I agree with your post.
I only disagree that the straight cards are bad for our range. I think K/J/T are strong cards for our range. The 8 not so much but still it isn't bad (our range has a lot of JT).
If you look at our range distribution on those cards (especially if they bring a FD), you'll see that we have a hand that's not going anywhere a decent % of the time.
I would agree that people over-stab on straight cards when the preflop raiser checks, but that's more a leak on their part than something the preflop ranges imply.
Hi Ph33roX,
That's a good point, and I agree with you about K/J/T being stronger than I originally implied. We don't always improve to a straight on these cards, but we can have plenty of two pairs that can often pot/call. However, like you said, people tend to overstab once we check there, and we can take advantage of that tendency.
A slightly different way of putting this would be:
If you start checking on flop and he checks back, it would be difficult for you to get stacks in even if you hit your straight. And if you miss, it would be difficult for you to rep much, so he's not gonna fold much.
This is fine if we were sure that he would stab a lot on the flop when checked to. If not, though, I'd usually bet myself.
Thanks for the comments guys, seems like everyone is on the same page and I wasn't too off either. As played I did cbet and pot a blank turn, just noticed afterwards that x/raise looks nice as well and wanted to hear if people have a strong opinion either way. Also thanks for the video recommendation midori, going to have to check those out.
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