PLO100 3bet spot
Posted by Mynttis
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Low Stakes
PLO100 3bet spot
BN: $87.15
SB: $219.28
BB: $105.45
HJ: $111.15 (Hero)
CO: $102.30
SB: $219.28
BB: $105.45
HJ: $111.15 (Hero)
CO: $102.30
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $4.50, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $8, BB folds, Hero calls $3.50
Hero raises to $4.50, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $8, BB folds, Hero calls $3.50
(2 Players)
SB bets $12.60
Villains vpip 44 (79 hands), looks fishy, his first 3bet against utg or mp.
Could this be raise pot and get it in? I think we have some FE against AA**, and if get called we wont get it in so bad.
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4bet fold pre pot call flop
I wouldn't 4-bet fold this without a SUPER compelling reason 'cas that has the potential of being a massive spew in a spot where a call is so profitable (great hand, great position). Given I like playing postflop w/ position and this hand isn't pushing THAT big an equity edge against that much, I flat here the vast majority of the time.
As for flop, I'm kinda torn. On the one hand, we have some equity and some foldequity which makes jamming fun. On the other, I actually don't think he's gonna have the hands we're targeting to fold that often (AA/KK** seem unlikely for a min-3-bet OOP to me). That said, there's $30 out there and we're risking $100 so it can't be that bad and even against like JT9 we're okay. So long as you don't fold, I'm kinda fine w/ it - would like to know how frequently he's fired a second shell/if you've
seen him get to showdown much yet, but calling and jamming are both okay.
Is a min3bet from a perceived weaker player a compelling enought reason to 4bet a hand with good preflop Equity to you, Tom?
Btw, is this a deep ante table or how are you able to raise to 4,5bb in 1st position?
Agree with that obviously, just wanted to hear if you change your opinion about that spot if we happen to be oop and for what reasons :)
Dont know too much of his barreling frequency or sd hands. And this is ante table.
Do really expect, a 44 VPIP considers folding KK+ on this board? I agree that he won't have it very often due to your blockers and his preflop play. I was just curious because I wouldn't expect him to ever fold that.
Summary: If I jam, I put him in a difficult spot whereas if I call, he can put me in difficult ones.
Tom, why is it basically impossible that we wanna bluff catch with this hand? J-K are good for us, and those hands that improves to a better hand on these turns likely won't fold to our flop jam anyway. Also, we might be able to bluff him off if he checks on 5-8 turn.
I agree with you that this is a close decision, but I'm not sure if I would hate bluff catching with this hand. Maybe I am missing something, though.
Also, when he is firing the second shell, it'll either be on a blank (we're now really praying second pair is good and our draw equity has decreased w/ one fewer card) or it's a non-blank and it looks decently strong so I wouldn't be excited to continue either.
from my experience most weak players do make smallish 3bet from sb (sometimes button) to eliminate bb with mid-low connected cards, by not letting you make big 4bet
and cbetting on this board means he could easily have low wrap, 2pair+draw kind of hand, and I almost guarantee that he never has KKxx or AAxx here,
given that, I would call on flop and decide on turn, jamming on flop is not a bad idea but its really unnecessary in my opinion
You know it's not illegal to 4bet ip once in awhile
To be honest, I'd prefer to 4-bet like 9876ds 'cas then I can potentially win some pots where I completely airball it and get stacks in great w/ deception whereas this hand I kinda hit when people expect me to + can't call the 5-bet.
Oh, and FWIW, if I 4-bet in this spot (i.e. against that sizing), I'm not going anywhere near pot. Prolly $20 max but often less (just to take away the initiative). Except w/ like AA which I'll pot. This is a huge bet-sizing tell, but good players don't min-3-bet OOP so it shouldn't matter (if I decide he is somehow good but does this, I'll lower my sizing w/ AA also).
yea I don't see much reason to 4b with this hand - we don't really dominate his calling range and reducing the SPR with a hand like this sort of sucks....I def like the mid run hands like Tom mentioned a lot more for deception and great board played I'd just call the flop - jamming doesn't accomplish much imo - he'll never get his money in that bad and you lose the chance for him to make big mistakes by calling....the good thing is there's so many turn cards he can't bluff on profitably so he shouldn't get too out of line imo
Viktor would disagree!
that's why we don't accept him in our games =\
as to ilovetiger's comment - reasoning for shove (as Tom pointed out already) is FE, we risk 100 to win 30, that isn't bad (again, if we consider having decent FE)
What do you mean you don't accept him in your games, are we talking about the same viktor? why would he be playing 100 plo? :D
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