PLO100 3b Pot OOP facing flop MR
Posted by IbexTiller
Posted by IbexTiller posted in Low Stakes
PLO100 3b Pot OOP facing flop MR
61/28 after only 18 hands on V so no reads other than he seems fairly loose and bad preflop
Pre seems fairly standard vs an assumed loose opening range vs what I perceive to be a fish.
The flop MR doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I assume he raises full pot with AT here given the numerous draws out there and my likely A heavy range. Not many AA in his range as most of them would been 4b pre.
So maybe he has TP + side cards or top and btm. Really wanted to jam this as the MR looks pretty weak and I think I get a fold from bare Axxx here maybe even top and bottom with sidecards below T.
p.s Having problems with adding HH from iPoker. I copy and paste text from HEM2 but nothing. ANy help would be greatly appreciated
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