PLO10: Fold a set to 2nd barrel on drawy board
Posted by Gambling_Poet
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Low Stakes
PLO10: Fold a set to 2nd barrel on drawy board
BB: $20.00 (Hero)
UTG: $30.84
MP: $29.80
CO: $54.94
BN: $25.00
Rake is $0.26
Villain is 26/26 after 20 hands.
MP is 25/15 and passive postflop.
Preflop is a really bad call, that hand is a bit older. Anyhow, I am not sure about the turnfold, Im leaning towards a call. What I didnt think about at the time was that his UTG openrange should not have many sets, maybe some AA44 or KK44 type hands?
I think he bets any 2pair+, any flsuhdraw and any 8out+ straight draw, though of course he might check the weaker part of that range. I can imagine him checking a nuflushdraw without a pair not wanting to get raised, and rather bet with his straightdraws as they are easy folds against a raise.
Therefore I decided to fold the turn, since I only have 20% EQ against a straight. If he decides to barrel with any set and straight its only 12%. So I have to add AA with a flushdraw to get to 34% and I dont think you can assume that he would bet that 100%.
I do however have the option of calling and bombing a flushing river and get some value if I make a FH.
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