PLO10 - 3-betting Ahds rundown 300bb deep ip

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PLO10 - 3-betting Ahds rundown 300bb deep ip

UTG: $45.59
HJ: $19.68
CO: $31.35 (Hero)
BN: $49.17
SB: $19.88
BB: $29.44
Preflop ($0.15) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 9 7 T A
UTG raises to $0.40, HJ folds, Hero raises to $1.20, BN calls $1.20, SB folds, BB folds, UTG calls $0.80
Flop ($3.75) 2 7 4 (3 Players)
UTG bets $1.80, Hero calls $1.80, BN folds
Turn ($7.35) 2 7 4 T (2 Players)
UTG bets $3.60

The PFR plays 39/18 over 100+ hands. Not sure if he's a regular or a recreational player. None of his stats are out of the ordinary.

The BTN is somewhat interesting and relevant. Very aggressive regular (pre and post) from Sweden at the deep ante tables who is running 34/23/10 over 500 hands. 


I think this deep my nut potential makes this hand a very appealing 3-bet. If I call the BTN will squeeze fairly often which wouldn't be a problem with a hand this strong. And if he doesn't we will most likely end up in a big multiway pot. Is there any merit in just calling and inviting multiway action?

As it is the BTN comes along anyway and we see a flop that should miss most of our ranges. I have top pair with overcards and the backdoor nutflush draw. Don't see any other play than calling the somewhat weakish lead here. I'd fold to a raise by the BTN. 

The BTN folds which is good and we turn top two pair. I definitely want to raise now. We have the best hand at least 95% and even though I'm not entirely sure what his range looks like here it is definitely weak (a heart draw possibly, 7 with side cards, maybe an overpair). 

The reason I'm posting the hand is because I'm not sure how big I should raise. SPR is still 4 and a pot-sized raise would leave $10 behind on the river. I don't think I can ever induce him to shove over the top if I raise small so I want to raise big to charge his draws. On the other hand - even though I'm not concerned with balance against this player - I'm reluctant to raise pot here as I expect a ton of folds.

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