PLO theory... raising weak sets and 2p IP and range capping

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PLO theory... raising weak sets and 2p IP and range capping

This may be too basic a question, but let me ask... this is from live 5-5 PLO... villain is a regular 5-5 grinder... older... not the sort to study here, but (we assume) he makes a living at it.

We have AKQ5 ds and have raised - the hijack.. button calls.... flop k52 fd that we do not have... there were multiple callers pre... and we bet 75 into 100 with 525 behind...

He raises to 225...

Here is the theory question...
- the way i play, in his position, I'd flat dry 22, 55, and k5... (partly because there are 3 more people to act who checked oop)
- the problems are a) how would we in position play a 'safe turn' if potted into
- and b) if I'm only raising KK, then raises is heavily weighted toward draws 7643... and flush draws

In the event i shipped a queen turn and he had kj22

was he an idiot or me, or both?

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