PLO micro Study Group
Posted by DoofusSC
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Low Stakes
PLO micro Study Group
There is probably a thread for this already, but looking for some people to discuss hands regularly and talk about PLO all in the one place.
I've recently transitioned from NLH and am looking for people who want to take the game seriously while playing at the micros, and who are looking to move up stakes.
The discord channel for anyone wanting to join -
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I'd recommend making a discord channel and linking it in here, that's probably the best way to make this happen
Great Idea thanks!
Here is the link to the Discord for anyone wanting to join. I will create specific channels for different things if a few people join.
I'm up for this.
hi i'm interested to join (very new to PLO, played holdem for years). but the discord invite has already expired. can i still get in? :)
Same for me :) there you go Bro
I’m also interested in joining. Do you have another up-to-date Discord invite?
I´m interested, can you send another inviting?
New to RIO but defo interested.
Invitation at discord invalid/expired?
Maybe we could create another group.
I've set a different one up of anyone is interested and if the op comes back with a more established one then we can always hop over there.
I accepted the invitation by @gazjax69.
We are waiting for other players :)
The discord link is not working. Please check, or share the latest one? Thanks.
New one
The link doesn´t work, can you send another one?
Hopefully that should work. Have about 6 members so far with 3 of us contributinh quite a lot
can I get an invite please?
Please send me an invite.
Just seen this now. The previous link has expired, please can you send a new one?
Let me know if it doesnt work
I would like an invite too! :-)
StuddyGoat, try this link
I would like an inviteee =D
hey guys new to RIO can I get an inv to discord aswell. Ty!
yea invite me pls also
GL guys, nice job forming a study group
it aint that active though :/
I guess make it more active then?
Find out how you can be more active, either by doing a few small sessions with few guys and then other sessions with other guys and see where that leads, which groups work well and which don't. No shame in seeing that something does not work well right now, so long as you continue working on finding a way that works
yeah. having a consistent and balanced routine between grind/study/freetime I imagine to be crucial. We try best to keep the group active.
Is this group still active?
I really need some help with PLO. I love it but I suck so bad....i create a black hole around me :)
is the study group still active ?
I wanna join as well
the group is pretty dead, but I'm thinking about to kick out all inactive members and to restart the discussion...
the link to join is here:
I issued an ultimatum in the chat to reactivate the group.
link is expired
Link is expired indeed
Any current groups formed or is this one revived?
I'd also be interested in joining a group! Hit me up or lets create a new one? (:
the group is dead, im not interested to make a new group for the moment.
I'm also interested in joining a study group. Currently crushing the 100 PLO games on Ignition. Want to be playing 500 PLO by the end of the year. I'm down to review hands/study in Monker Solver/PLO Calc.
Ok if anyone is interested DM me here on rio for skype info.
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