PLO KK22 Pre
Posted by xpx
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Low Stakes
PLO KK22 Pre
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
CO: $116.78
BN: $116.74
SB: $49.50
BB: $40.00
UTG: $52.27 (Hero)
MP: $48.37
BN: $116.74
SB: $49.50
BB: $40.00
UTG: $52.27 (Hero)
MP: $48.37
MP 37/23/5 in 320 hands.
Btn is a regular 26/18/7 in 2k hands.
BB is unknown.
Btn is a regular 26/18/7 in 2k hands.
BB is unknown.
Hero is UTG with
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Was this a nit fold?
Since BB was short, there would be a side pot of 20-30 dollars depending if MP call as well.
Btn can never have AA here since he did not 3b the first time around? (maybe rainbow AA?)
Any comments are appreciated!
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quite a 'default' fold to me. preflop we're 27% vs random aces or 21% getting 3way vs aces and decent singlesuited rundown
When we raise a hand like this we are hoping to flop a set right? We raise to get some money in the pot in case we hit and to narrow the field. There is some value in the KK but they are basically dry with no support. When BB pots it isn't it a fold the first time around? Getting expensive to set mine and looks like AA. BTN could also have flatted dry AA as some good players do but then decided to go with his hand given the pot size. He also could have a mid ds run down that does well against AA. Am I way off here?
Calling the 3bet is pretty standard imo. We have a hand that's quite easy to play postflop in a 3bet pot, and we're happy if it goes multy-way. Facing the 4bet from BTN and the shove from BB I believe we have to fold. I would only consider going with it if I had a very strong read that both of them have AA. If we're up against AA and any other hand we are in a very sad spot.
Don't think it's a nit fold. Seems pretty standard to me. You're playing for set value only with no other connectedness. A hand like 7766ds plays much better as an aipf but even then I'm not sure if its actually +ev unless we know they both have AA which is far from certain here.
Apparently I can't take my own a similar hand today and got stacked with it even though I hit my set on the flop! Post above
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