PLO from scratch

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PLO from scratch

Hi guys,

Me and a buddy have decided to spend our mondays studying PLO.
So here's the question I bet a million people have asked already.
However, I'm just gonna ask it anyway:

Where do we start studying PLO?

  • Good books for beginners? Good Authors?
  • Skip books and learn through RIO? Good essential pro's (we're noobs, Elite is prolly too advanced)

Background info

We're both experienced NLH players, I myself play up to 1KNL. I don't have alot of experience playing other games than Holdem but my buddy has played some other games at mid-stakes in the past.

One thing we're a bit worried about is - because we're beginners - we're vulnerable for bad information. Someone can give us just about any info on PLO theory and we'll take it for granted. Our "filter" doesn't work for this game.

Would love to hear some suggestions on how to start this journey!


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SeacombePLO 8 years, 7 months ago

For beginning, I'd say the article series PLO from Scratch is a really good place to start. It's a 14 part series iirc and it covers the basics fairly well.

From there, I would definitely recommend some essential videos here, specifically Tom Coldwell's videos. They're a bit older but they're fantastic, I'd watch everything he's made on RIO. Phil Galfond has some essential PLO vids too which are of course great, bit more advanced than the other PLO essential vids generally but the information is obviously really reliable. GL :)

Tom Chambers 8 years, 7 months ago

PLO from scratch on donkr is excellent. I know the author and highly recommend it.

Someone recently asked me about low priced good material and I said there was basically nothing... I'd forgotten about that series.

Tom Chambers 8 years, 7 months ago

It is old, but not outdated. Not if the other half of your position is that you know too little to watch elite videos. Bugs wrote well for that audience and covers core stuff thoroughly. For example, yeah, you can do more graph fanciness nowadays, but his older school equity distribution graphs and explanations are just fine if you are a beginner.

I just flipped through a few of the articles and they are still good enough to get you started.
You aren't going to read it and beat mid stakes. But it's a framework to get started that won't f you up like some would.

Also. I made this video with people like you in mind:

SeacombePLO 8 years, 7 months ago

Also, if you can afford it, Tom's books are the stone cold nuts for advanced PLO. Very gracious of him to not mention them haha. Haven't read them personally but I have it on good authority that they're a must read if its financially viable

Tom Chambers 8 years, 7 months ago

Heh thanks seacombe.

Tho I think I mentioned it in the core PLO concepts vid thread also, in your honor I'll be slightly less gracious and say that I am currently writing Beginner PLO Theory. Which is exactly what it sounds like.

Done ~ October if I stay on track,

Tom Chambers 8 years, 7 months ago

I just clicked on the link and scanned the comments so no direct comment on the video overbetted linked. But going way back to mid 0s mtt days, imo Steve is v smart. And his replies through the comments are on point.

I would bet it's a v good video.

Tom Chambers 8 years, 7 months ago

Seacombe - yes I think so. It isn't purely basics. I don't necessarily think in terms of stakes, more level of complexity and detail, but I'd guess someone hanging around beating .50/1-1/2 would benefit. Whereas 2/4+ winners might not get much. Regardless it'll be v affordable.

minotaurGT 6 years, 3 months ago

So did Tom actually finish this basic PLO book which is very affordable or didn't? On his website I can only see books that together cost 2.5k

swishfish 6 years, 3 months ago

HI Guys, I have just read PLO from scratch and found it very helpful for a base understanding of the game, does anyone have party 13c and 14, finding it near impossible to locate on the internet?

menofold 6 years, 3 months ago

There is probably no 13 and 14.
The official site to it is!-14
Or do you have more than part 12?

minotaurGT 6 years, 3 months ago

Here are the links to part 13a and part 13b

When I was looking for part 13 and 14 I found info that part 14 was written but not translated into english if I remember correctly.

Watz 5 years ago

The above links are broken - Does any one have the part 13 and part 14 ? Thank you

fluxboy 4 years, 10 months ago

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