PLO .5/1 270b deep, tough turn spot with set

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PLO .5/1 270b deep, tough turn spot with set

BN: $115.97
SB: $143.70
BB: $48.20
UTG: $106.02
HJ: $268.57 (Hero)
CO: $269.43
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt Q 6 Q 6
UTG raises to $3.50, Hero calls $3.50, CO calls $3.50, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds
Flop ($12.00) T 6 3 (3 Players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $9, CO calls $9, UTG folds
Turn ($30.00) T 6 3 J (2 Players)
Hero bets $26, CO raises to $106.65, Hero folds
Final Pot
CO wins $79.20

zoom, no reads, vilian is unknown. Hate these spots


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weeminer 11 years, 6 months ago

I think it's a fold. It's gonna be slowplayed 1010 or JJxxhh too often, and when your ahead it's gonna be vs a combo draw.

JimmyGlass 11 years, 6 months ago

270bb deep we have to consider fold at least. ot could be like JT w\ hearts or JTQK that he overplays this deep... having no info on villain its tough to say much. guess w\ TTxx its doesn't differ a lot

like your sizing ott, with given stacksizes and bord texture 

JimmyGlass 11 years, 6 months ago

had familiar one the other day..

BU reg. 28\16 call open 17% otb. 3bet otb 9.8%

I guess he 3b 80%+ of AAxx

fold to flop cbet 59%, raise ott vs cbet 21%(pretty wide)

still looks like fold to me.

board: 2sQhAd8cHand Equity Wins
2255 38.15% 
(17%!AAds,AAA):(AQ,QQ,AA,AKTJ,AQTJ,AQJT) 61.85% 

*could one say if I made it right - we excluded AAxxds and AAAx combos and included as raise OTT range  (AQ,QQ,AA,AKTJ,AQTJ,AQJT), its technicaly correct? 

thanks in advance 

Drasko Boskovic 11 years, 6 months ago

yeah I started hating small double pairs in PLO, I get into too many spots like these..I don't think he has AKJT though, he would certainly 3bet that preflop, or raise the flop. AQ also idk if reg plays this aggro. just one of those tough situations in PLO

Sam Lang 11 years, 6 months ago

I call, turn hand into bluff/merge on 9, k a, c/c blanks, and c/f hearts. might c/f a t or j some% of the time, depending on timing/sizing among other considerations. 

I think folding is too weak and not a whole lot of value in shoving. Calling can make things tricky on rivers, but I think if we have a plan on what to do on different rivers and have a good grasp on the player pool tendencies we can make good decisions. Given that this player has a stack of 270bb at zoom, and is an unknown, I think that with this information we can deduce that he is on the LAG side; he has a big stack and hasn't left and come back with 100bbs, so most likely has put it in light and is happy to gamble, otherwise we wouldn't see him with such a big stack. Given this I think he can have a lot of tj+draw, flush/straight comboes etc. as well as some tt or jj comboes, but I think tt is raising flops a bunch of the time, and jj is a very narrow part of his range. Given this I think shoving is fine/std, but I would prefer calling and using the information we have on his range to make good decisions on rivers. I think we are probably a very slight equity favorite over his range. This to me is not a reason to shove though, as I think we can define his range as largely made up of draws which we are ~flipping against, a bunch of tj+something else hands, and a few comboes of better made hands. I think versus this range we give our opponent, we can play rivers well, and our opponent will misinterpret our call as being a draw. Anytime an opponent has a wrong view of what hand we might hold, it is going to lead them to making mistakes; in this instant, if he has a better made hand, he may chk back draw completing rivers, or fold to s hove on a 9, k, or ace. this way we don't put in more money with 3 outs. he will also bluff blanks with his missed draws, so we get him to put in money dead. if his draw hits [ie a flush] we can c/f fairly comfortably. the negatives to this though is we lose value from tj comboes, so if we think he has more tj comboes than draws, and would play his fairly dry tj** hands like this, which we crush, and would call a shove, then I prefer shoving

Drasko Boskovic 11 years, 6 months ago


Yeah, usually ppl are raising top set on this flop, but, there was a third player, initial raiser, who checked flop, and he still has to act ( yeah, most of the time he will fold, but he's 100bb stack and he can check/raise and then vilain is in a great spot), but sure most of the time he will just fold. I still think we can put vilain on TTxx, cause he's in position this deep, and many players wait for the safe turn etc. Now, you said you would call and evaluate rivers. If I was in position, I think that would be great option, because I would be able to see what he does on certain rivers, and maybe even turn my hand into bluff?! (not sure about that). But, as you said, if I was ip and river came 9, Q, K, A, and he checked, I could save money if I was beat by higher set. Out of position, I think I should make my decision on the turn, fold or jam..I think river is going to be so hard to play, because of no reads, and I will have to guess whether he has a made hand which beats us, or something like JTKQ with or without fd, JT with fd, AKQT with fd, combos like that, which I think we have about 60% equity on the turn ( not sure about this, just a guess), and we are crushed by higher sets. Sure, we save money when river comes 9h and he checks behind better hand, but what about the time when we jam into him on K river and he looks us up with straight, or "hero" calls with higher set, or such situations. These spots are very tough in general, especially in zoom games sans real reads. 100bb I think I would just shove and if he has it it's whatever, but 270bb it becomes much harder. 

Deep PLO is fun!

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