PLO 50 - Turned top set with poss st8 v tight ranged opp
Posted by Owen Shiels
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Owen Shiels
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Low Stakes
PLO 50 - Turned top set with poss st8 v tight ranged opp
SB: $18.19
BB: $48.57
UTG: $126.90
MP: $138.00
CO: $49.75
Rake is $1.40
I am very new to PLO. I have played less then 2k hands total this year so these spots I find quite difficult.
Firstly should we be c betting this flop? The more I think about it the less hands he has that fold this flop if he will be calling hands like JJ and QQ. And when I do the calcs in poker juice against a lot of his continuing range we are 50% or less anyway. This kinda spot in a mtt is cbet loads but here I'm starting to veer more towards checking back. Any thoughts?
Villains RFI from UTG is only 8% and when they ch/c flop I gave him a range of KK, QJ, KJ9+, T5, K5 and QQ,JJ. I thought he might ch/rr his weaker sets and his KT hands. When the A comes on the turn I think quite a lot of those hands either got there with QJ since I think that's a big part of his range or they are folding to a bet with the exception of KK. So whats the best line going to be here. Should we ch back and keep his range wide and hope for some bluffs from Q and J blockers or should we be aiming to get max value out of KK or something like 2p with fd?
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I am no expert, but I would check back flop because it hits a 3bet-callingrange quite well AND you would need to fold to a check/raise.
On the turn it is a similiar story in my opinion. That deep no1 will pay you off with a set of Kings on a board where a straight is possible, in this case an obvious straight with QJ.
Again you would have to bet/fold the turn if you get check/raised, so I really dislike that option because you have a lot of showdownvalue.
On the River it looks like you are ahead and should go for some value.
Flop hits villains tight range very well. You have a few very good turn cards (hearts, A, 6) and anything betweem 2-8 will probably let you to call turn bet. So it would be pretty bad thing to get c/r and I would suggest checking back.
On turn its tough to get value, but you need some protection against cc, gutshots. I dont think villain will bluffraise QQ&JJ very often, cause you have so many AA-combos and usually ppl don`t try to bluff you off top-set. On the other hand, villain probably should go for a c/r with QJ, so there definitely is a risk to get checkraised. Still QJ and decent semibl-ra hands like QQ:cc, JJ:cc only make about 22% of villains range (and he donks some QJ hands for sure aswell), so I probably prefer betting turn.
At this deep (200bb deep), I prefer checking the flop. I don't mind cbet and fold to a raise since his UTG tight range can easily crush our hand, but even when he called I am not sure that we can profitably bet ott unless turn is 6 or lower or backdoor fd turn cards. Even in this case, we may get chk raised sometimes. In short, it is not clear that we have a value vs his continuing range so I would check.
I would definitely bet A turn though when checked to. So much value. Are you going to only bet QJ on the turn? bet/folding is way better than checking ip ott.
checking and betting flop is both fine imo. this flop hits our 3betting range more than his UTG open/call range or? So i think i prefer betting flop. not sure about the turncheck. obv stacksizes are awkward if we get c/raised and the most obv draw got there but still i like to bet the turn.
Thanks for the replies everyone.
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