PLO 50 KK79 DS
Posted by xpx
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Low Stakes
PLO 50 KK79 DS
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
MP: $132.10
CO: $34.38
BN: $73.47
SB: $79.96 (Hero)
BB: $41.09
UTG: $65.46
CO: $34.38
BN: $73.47
SB: $79.96 (Hero)
BB: $41.09
UTG: $65.46
CO is fish 52/28/5 in 602
Have notes of him calling 3/4 pot size bet on flop with bot 2 pair on a flush board in a multi-way pot.
Have notes of him calling 3/4 pot size bet on flop with bot 2 pair on a flush board in a multi-way pot.
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
CO wins $26.76
Rake is $1.26
Rake is $1.26
How is my sizing on flop?
Since he called my flop bet, he can only have A, 8 or flush draws i believe.
Maybe a turn shove is a better play?
Thanks for your time!
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I think I'd bet a tad bigger around 1/3 pot, maybe a little more to not entice him to make loose peels or moves in any way. As played I'd also just c/f the turn and not feel awesome about it but I don't think there's much you can do. Your equity vs Ax!AA is sth like 25% and he might as well slowplay 8x on the flop. I'd also expect him to check back most of his weaker FDs so you can get good value OTR if you get there. He might also check back Ax a lot and provide you another freecard.
I like the way you played it. Especially with the note you have on him, I won't try to force him to fold top pair. If he did have a flushdraw on the flop, often times we'll see a river. You still rep AA when you check since there's less than a pot sized bet behind and you can easily be trapping here.
Why did you 3bet preflop? I'm new to Omaha but believe your hand is not that great, you will miss many flops and it's especially tough to play out of position.
As played, why did you bet the flop?
Would you consider a check here?
KK97$ds is a pretty good KK, we will flop a set or either flush draw ~32% of the time, not to mention overpair + draws on T82/862 kind of boards.
Flop can go either way, but we have a significant range advantage in this spot (we can have all AAxx, whereas he has close to none) that I believe we can get away with betting close to 100% of our range in this spot. With our specific hand we don't really need to bet and I don't think checking is incorrect, but I still think betting is okay because a) we will rarely get raised (and even more rarely bluff-raised) and often times just take it down, and b) checking gets us into an awkward spot if he bets or even checks back.
In theory though, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a check.
I like the line. +1 to ohgodwhy on bet sizing, a little bigger removes some of the doubt but other than that I probably play it exactly the same.
Problem with a bet is that you're putting in money bad vs his flop calling range, but the advantage of taking it down cheaply oop is pretty significant imo. Checking allows some of the decent equity hands we beat (mediocre flush draws) to push us off our hand when they would otherwise have folded to a bet, and villain still gets to go for value with his trips+.
midori - comment regarding this being a theory check is probably true, but I like to contrast this spot to holdem where I'm sure this is definitely a check in theory. KK on Axx flop is a much weaker hand in PLO than it is in holdem for example, where sb v btn we still have a pretty legit hand and checking becomes more attractive. So I'm fine 'bluffing' to just take it down in this spot, after all we're not very high up in our range and don't give much up equity wise in the event of getting raised.
@pav - ds KKxx is a good hand to add in when expanding your 3b range beyond just aces. Most opponents will 4b AA pre so we push decent equity pre vs the range that calls, and the suits/connectedness means we have playability on enough flops too.
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