PLO 200 Zoom superdraws on the turn (no reads)

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PLO 200 Zoom superdraws on the turn (no reads)

BN: $260.87
SB: $228.98
BB: $205.24
UTG: $100.85
HJ: $197 (Hero)
CO: $341.40
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A A 7 J
UTG folds, Hero raises to $7, CO folds, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $5
Flop ($15.00) A Q 8 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $8, BB calls $8
I guess fairly normal, maybe could even bet less or check because of the Q blocker
Turn ($31.00) K (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $16, BB raises to $56, Hero calls $40
Interesting card. I think bet is here necessary as we are drawing to the nuts and even against a straight its close to a flip. Question is what to do with the check raise. Reads would obviously help here a lot (call vs nit, let the loosecannon bet the river with no outs) but what is the optimal play in a "vacuum"? With getting it in we are making no mistakes but are we losing value. And also what is the plan in the river if the plank comes...
River ($143.00) 6 (2 Players)
BB bets $134.24, Hero folds
Is Heros fold here ok/standard or too weak maybe?
Final Pot
BB wins $140.20 , BB wins $134.24

Thanks in advance for the comments!


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Tom Coldwell 11 years, 4 months ago

Without reads I like your line, although I'd go slightly larger OTF ($10ish) and OTT ($23ish) as I would with anything I'm betting on a board that hits as many hands as that one.

Once raised, I see little reason not to just call - it's hard to believe he's bluffing much here given our blockers and most people won't have THAT many value-raises which aren't the straight. With position, call and play well on the river.

With him bombing the blank, I don't think you have much choice. Seems kinda unlikely he'd do this with a weaker made hand (very weird line w/ QQ etc.) and you still block his most common bluffs. With reads this could become a turn 3-bet or a river call, but against a random playing Zoom, I think you made the correct decisions.

Tom Karlsson 11 years, 4 months ago

Thanks Tom, again solid analysis and I agree the turn call and river fold. Just thinking of betting big, are you not afraid of losing value by betting too much for him to make a correct laydown when you could give him a seemingly cheap price to peel cheaply and hit second nuts, especially on the turn (I might have seen this discussed in one of your essential videos but not sure)? Also as we block the Q very unlikely that he has anything on the flop, right? Also betting small gives us maybe a better price to draw when he is raising, as he is almost never bluffing in this spot.

ImMIke 11 years, 4 months ago

What do u mean by "we r blocking a Q"?

about sizing I think that exploitivly ur reasonings r good, BUT only if he incapable to read ur hand from different betsizings(many regs can at 1/2 imho)

ZenFish 11 years, 4 months ago

Obviously, your bet-call is optimal against someone not bluffing at all. It's also good against someone who is overbluffing, because close to half the deck improves you with perfect visibility. He is likely to make mistakes when the last bet goes in, and an overbluff strategy will probably punish itself against your very strong range (if he slams on the brakes on every card that improves you, you'll have other calling hands that gain from free showdowns and bluffing opportunities). I think the mindset "I'm exploiting him one way or the other" is a good one to have in this spot.

When you call with this particular hand, you are covering a lot of river cards that are ugly for him. You will never bluff the river with this hand, but you have other hands that will call and occasionally bluffshove ugly rivers when he checks. By calling with this hand you are adding significantly to the balance account.

Tom Karlsson 11 years, 4 months ago

Good stuff guys. Mike, I agree at this level and in Zoom its best to be straightforward and not worry about sizing (my mistake, i though i had a Q in my hand too sorry). Zen, good points on the river play when you call this, very well put.

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