PLO 100: Preflopraiser on sit out
Posted by Barto87
Posted by Barto87 posted in Low Stakes
PLO 100: Preflopraiser on sit out
BN: bEArliner: 106.09
SB: fungi21: 308.72
BB: JP la teigne: 203.19
UTG: AlVaReCh68: 56.81
HJ: Akapulco33: 25.61
At first i wanted to say hello to the community!
My Name is phil and i am from Berlin, Germany
I work with HM2 and i tryed different ways to export my hand. But i couldn't find the right format to upload a hand in the forum. maybe someone could help me
But now here is my hand:
my hand here is AJT5ss
Preflop: The weak player openraises here thats why i called preflop.
Flop: Then on the flop the PFR timed out (so he is on autofold) an BENJJJ11 bets out very fast. Ben ist a good regular (23/11)
normaly this is a easy fold here. But the big point is that the PFR is on sit out. So i think that BEN would try to steal the pot. Thats why i reraise here. On the one hand i could have the best hand and i wanted that he fold all his bluffs there. If he reraises here i could easily fold my hand. Ben calls me, so in my mind his range is A with highcards or gutshot up to some wrap combos
Turn: The turn gives me top two and bring me into trouble because BEN donks potsize.
Fold or shove here?
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