PLO 100 AA 3b spot oop

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PLO 100 AA 3b spot oop

BN: $97.50
SB: $103.22
BB: $97.04 (Hero)
UTG: $157.47
HJ: $122.87
CO: $88.56
Villain is 53/30/23 on 96 hands.
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A Q A T
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $3, BN folds, SB folds, Hero raises to $9.50, CO calls $6.50
Flop ($20.50) K Q 4 (2 Players)

What would you do here?


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ohgodwhy 10 years, 11 months ago

b/c it off very happily? You have an overpair + nut gutshot + pair which serves as blocker and also has some 2p outs. Additionally KK, QQ, K4, Q4 and 44s are likely not in villain's range very often.

Imfish4u 10 years, 11 months ago

I definitely think that KK,QQ or something like KQ is often in his 3bet calling range here. Why would you think he doesnt have those types of hand??

In this spot i wouldnt be very happy about bet calling it off cuz we will never be a big favourite getting the money in now. Not sure whats best here... Bet folding just seems bad and very nitty, checking would leave us guessing OTT and rivers so with a gut shoot and BDFD i would close my eyes and gii if i get raised. If he calls just jam almost any turn.

ohgodwhy 10 years, 11 months ago
I guess I didn't express myself very well. He certainly has some KK, QQ in his range but he should at least fold a decent part of the KK, QQ range he's opening with given that he has to fear being dominated by AA.

I also overexaggerated in that I'd happily gii but I still think I would w/o any hesitation. It's tough for him to have a lot of bluffs but he also doesn't have many value combos and we're in ok shape vs most of them.
Last but not least, I don't expect to get shoved on but called almost always if he decided to continue.

xpx 10 years, 11 months ago

Thx for inputs!

In game, I ended up check raising because I don't like all my other options.

Bet/call- we are doing very bad against his Gii range.

Check/call- we will be guessing a lot on later streets.

Check/fold and bet/fold seem so nitty.

If I was going to bet/Gii, why not check rasise and let him stab with his whole range?

Alien Slayer 10 years, 11 months ago

vs an aggressive player (=stabb-happy) c/r is a good option.
 if unsure I would lean towards a bet/call. there is a decent chance he raises with a hand like AKJx or KJTx that we are a favorite against. Otherwise, once we called we can shove most turns.

It's important to always keep in mind the overall EV when bet/calling is not just the EV vs a stackoffrange but rather EV[taking the pot down when he folds] + EV[getting called and then take it down on the turn/get it in vs a hand we have dominated] + EV[vs a stackoff range that not only includes 2pair+].
In addition we want to bet this board pretty often as the 3better, so we have to merge our range and not only bet bluffs and KQ+.   

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