PLO 10: Top Set on Mon flop (BTN vs BB)
Posted by Aquila
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Low Stakes
PLO 10: Top Set on Mon flop (BTN vs BB)
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
SB: $10.00
BB: $14.45
UTG: $8.62
MP: $10.00
CO: $16.53
BN: $10.00 (Hero)
BB: $14.45
UTG: $8.62
MP: $10.00
CO: $16.53
BN: $10.00 (Hero)
Hero is BN with
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Final Pot
BB wins $3.28
Rake is $0.17
Rake is $0.17
I am quite lost with this spot. I kinda feel bluffed, but then I feel like the players at PLO10 dont tend to "exploit/attack" certain boards at a frequency where I should feel exploited. I went for the 1/3 cbet, because I will bluff cbet this board very frequently. Also I dont want to get blown off my hand in case they do xraise.
Some help is much aprreciated :)
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fold to the flop raise
You need to explain yourself if you're advocating for that fold. Come on.
Bet-fold is definitely not the method to play top-set.
You do well against hands that are folding to c-bet. Better check-call at flop as he might take stabs with nothing.
On the turn you increase your set odds by three so at turn you can call easier than on the flop.
Do you have any further information on your opponent? This spot is close enough that villain's potential tendencies weigh heavily on my opinion.
I think that without flash blockers nice line will be checkbek at flop and mb call tern for the good price (max 1/2 of pot )
b/f or don't cbet. we are either way behind a flush or way ahead of everything else he can have.
Aquila " I went for the 1/3 cbet, because I will bluff cbet this board very frequently."
essentially that's what your doing with top set when you bet this board. your turning your hand into a bluff. how gross would it be if this villain is x/r 33xx with no spades because he took a note that you cbet 1/3 pot a lot on monotone boards? it wouldn't be an out-of-line play if he thinks you bet a hand like AKJT with nut blocker. that said...I doubt the thought process goes that deep for most opponents but I think you get what im trying to say about your basically turning top set into a semi-bluff on a monotone texture. there are no flushdraws, only flushes and non-flushes and you have every non-flush hand destroyed with the expection of AJT9 specifically.
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