Playing weak AAxx hands oop vs a 3bet 100bb or deeper
Posted by Disharmonist
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Low Stakes
Playing weak AAxx hands oop vs a 3bet 100bb or deeper
Hi there,
i have an issue playing hands like AhAd6h5c against a 3bet when i am oop. If i flat i feel like basically setmining or hoping to flop the nutfd. Even on pretty dry flops like T73r I feel unccomfortable x/raising all in or calling off more than one street.
If i 4bet tough i present a very narrow range and will have roughly a potsize bet left. If the board now comes somewhat connected I dont know if x/folding or x/calling is correct. I dont want to play shove n´ pray. The problem gets bigger when we are deeper than 100bb and have too much money too shove generous flops. Any suggestions? Should I even consider folding AAxx oop? Seems weird because we have the best preflop hand.
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4b GII on anything but the absolute worst of flops. You can't fuck up too bad with an SPR of 1.
It looks like you cannot push any edge in PLO preflop that far. Often you can get away with 3bet calling any double suited somewhat connected hand and call a shove with 45% ++ EQ or even much more. I wonder if there is anything skill related to be honest.
mate PLO is a post flop game. you handleweak AAxx oop by pushing as much in preflop as you can. then you can unexploitably shove instead of folding away equity postflop due to weak playability/position.
95% of the time you are in a low SPR situation in PLO it is on the turn/river and you have gotten there by making better decisions than your opponent. that's where the skill edge is (or isnt)
if shoving equity preflop is what turns you on, there's this game i heard of with only 2 cards where u can get it in real good pre ;)
Absolutely the right play and you ACTIVELY want to get more money in preflop with an equity edge therefore reducing the SPR oop so you don't have to make decisions postflop with the positional disadvantage.
After you 4b there is the odd flop you can check fold. e.g. 789, 89T monotone, basically hands you completely miss and your opponents range is very likely to hit but you want to be shoving almost everything.
A general rule has been useful for me of late: Get 1/4+ of your stack in preflop and push your equity edge as much as possible when you're out of position with AAxx.
A quick example (I know this is basic assumes a number of things e.g. both players are pot size raising and villain has hero covered... but hopefully it illustrates a point):
HERO. UTG Opens 7
Villain BTN 3b 24
HERO 4b 82
Villain calls.
Flop Pot = 167 (82hero+82villain+2bb+1sb)
To have an SPR of 1 (or one pot sized bet on the flop) you could do this with a stack of 249bb preflop (Heros investment 82 + flop pot size).
Breakdown of Phil's hand
In one of his videos Phil had almost an identical hand and someone broke down the post flop equities... I guess we raise to try and get the pot hu but if it goes multiway or even hu can can flop really poorly. Do we really want to stack off with our semi weak AA?
at 100bb or less its rarely gonna be a mistake and its just easier than trying to manouver postflop out of position with a low playability hand.
deeper it starts to get more correct to flat your weak AAxx for deception and basically set mine and hope to set over set someone who is never putting you on top set.
but generally if you can get a third of your stack in pre and shove any flop, you do it.
4ball any AA and gii on almost any flop. A lot of the time people 3bet hands that do badly vs aa like high pairs or KQJT or AKT9 and go with them on any flop so lots of value there
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