Playing paired boards

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Playing paired boards

BN: $50 (Hero)
SB: $25.25
BB: $24.35
UTG: $166.21
HJ: $79.82
CO: $34.58
HJ is a regular at PLO50zoom and also has some decent stats maybe around 24/17/6
Preflop ($0.75) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt T 6 Q J
UTG folds, HJ raises to $1.50, CO folds, Hero calls $1.50, SB folds, BB folds
Already pre I wasnt sure if flatting or 3betting would be better because it would be nice to play HU IP with this kind of hand but i feel like he will be pretty tight from HJ so flatting seemed like a better option.
Flop ($3.75) 7 7 6 (2 Players)
HJ bets $2.20, Hero raises to $5.50, HJ calls $3.30
Just before I started my session I watched Stefan Legat's PLO Zoom 200 video where he talks about attacking paired boards so I thought I can do the same! :-)

This is is one of the board were I would expect him to cbet quite often to just take down the pot. So with having a 6 and doubl BDFD in my hand i though this would be a nice spot to raise his cbet because I am expecting lots of folds from him. Even with an over pair it will be hard for him to continue imo. If i get called i can still turn some good equity. Is this though process correct?
Turn ($14.75) 5 (2 Players)
HJ checks, Hero bets $9.50, HJ calls $9.50
When he calls I was pretty sure that he had an overpair because most of his hands that include a 7 would be like 567x or 789x and I would expect him to either raise flop or bet turn with these hands. Turn card is a pretty good card for me because I thought that now with the straight being outthere he will definitely fold his overpair at this point. correct?
River ($33.75) 8 (2 Players)
HJ checks, Hero checks
Once he calls turn again I just decided to give up on the river because when he calls this turn as well i doubt he is folding his overpair OTR.
Final Pot
HJ has A Q K A HJ wins $32.23
Would like tho start a little discussion about paired board and when to raise cbet and even more importantly when we should continue bluffing turn and rivers!!!


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All4Gambling 11 years ago

Ok my opinion is I prefer 3 bet pre.

If you wanna attack this kind of spots you need to attack well. Pot flop bet turn and bet river IMO this is my line. 

All4Gambling 11 years ago

the most important is attack river you can play slow with 7 but I think you didn't know about villain hand or you were afread. If you wanna attack this spots I don't like the line.

But is very interesting hand becouse we are in a lot of times in this spots. And it's fine try attack but vs a particular player and with a good line.


ZenFish 11 years ago

3B feels close. Against a CO open I would default to it. Against an tight EP open, I think this hand just might not make the cut. Don't feel strongly about it, and I don't think either option can be bad.


Once he calls turn again I just decided to give up on the river because when he calls this turn as well i doubt he is folding his overpair OTR.


I don't expect a solid reg to commit himself to always calling down with a bluffcatcher, once he calls the turn. You are not committed to always firing that last barrel either, but sometimes you should. 

Here you can credibly rep a boat, since many of your 7's should be coordinated with the cards in the neighborhood. I think it looks good for a 3-barrel, once you're there.

Imfish4u 11 years ago
Thx! After thinking about the hand for a bit i think maybe tripple barreling would have been good here.
When I raised the flop i was pretty sure that he had an overpair  even with trips its a tough call and one of the things that we should try to do it is put our opponents in very tough spots so they make mistakes. By betting the river i would have put him in a very tough spot with an OP and If he decides to call i would say that it is def. note worthy that he didnt fold OP to tripple barrel which is nice for the future.

So some of you didnt like my line here. So what hand do i need here or what kind of board so that my line is good? what of i had something like 8833?
What if the board comes like K55 and I have something like 6788 would this be a good spot?

ZenFish 11 years ago

It's best to use hands that can improve to something, not total air. If you block some of your opponent's value hands, so much the better. By waiting for hands with some potential, you randomize your bluffs in the process (as opposed to, just deciding to bluff).

With 8876 on K 5 5 out have 2 outs to an overfull, backdoor wrap potential, and maybe also backdoor flush potential. Hitting a 5 will also sometimes win.

Putting Villain on a PokerJuice $FI20 opening range and running an OO sim for 8s8h7s6d on Ks 5h 5d, you will have a straight-or-better 28.1% of time time by the river. It's non-nutty equity, but it will win some pots for you when Villain doesn't fold.

Teddy 11 years ago

Zen, if you are in position and checked to, do you still bet 8876, JJT9 or similiar hands that wins sometimes when checked down and check back total air?

Baidboy 11 years ago

Wow those were great articles Zenfish, thanks! Paired boards are such a common spot and so difficult to play correctly for me. Your articles provide an awesome basis to build on, feel like I understand how to play this spot so much better already.


jjrunitoncejj 11 years ago
When he calls I was pretty sure that he had an overpair because most of his hands that include a 7 would be like 567x or 789x and I would expect him to either raise flop or bet turn with these hands. Turn card is a pretty good card for me because I thought that now with the straight being outthere he will definitely fold his overpair at this point. correct?

Once he calls turn again I just decided to give up on the river because when he calls this turn as well i doubt he is folding his overpair OTR.

Hello RIO!

Reading the original post, my immediate reaction was to disagree with this read. My intuition is that a regular (somewhat solid by inference from preflop stats) will have a fairly strong range on this River. 

My intuition is that regs at these stakes understand that our flop bluffing range typically has some outs against aa**. From villain's point of view, the 5s is thus a very bad card if he indeed holds an overpair. I would thus expect him to fold a decent amount of naked overpairs on the Turn. I wonder what other posters think about villain's River range?

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