play well??

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play well??

BB: 51.11
HJ: 12.56
CO: 25.77 (Hero)
BN: 8.90
SB: 8.90
Preflop (0.35) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt 6 7 8 5
HJ calls 0.25, Hero raises to 1.10, BN calls 1.10, SB folds, BB calls 0.85, HJ calls 0.85
Flop (4.50) 4 5 T (4 Players)
BB checks, HJ checks, Hero bets 4, BN folds, BB calls 4, HJ raises to 11.46, and is all in, Hero raises to 24.67, and is all in, BB calls 20.67
Turn (69.30) 4 5 T K (3 Players)
River (69.30) 4 5 T K Q (3 Players)
Final Pot
BB has 6 5 4 7 Hero has 6 7 8 5 HJ has 4 A K T BB wins 26.42 , HJ wins 36.88

Nothing to do??


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notfamiliar 11 years ago

sorry if my questions will look lame (i'm kinda new in PLO)

what are we gonna do with our whole 3b range at this flop?

are we gonna bet the same amount also with our AAxx, KKxx ?

Is there any hands we're gonna be x/c, x/f as a 3better?

Brian Hamilton 11 years ago

No questions are lame :)

I would say most of our flop range here will be checking. This is because we're multiway and the board doesn't hit our range very well. The hands we do bet will be our strongest hands like the hand we have and any sets in our range. We shouldn't try to bluff this very often because it's too easy for 1 of our 3 opponents to continue with us. I would probably check most of my AA/KK hands here and try to see a free turn and possibly get to showdown. If BU pots and the others fold I would get it in with him since he's short. If I had like AA with a gutter and 2 backdoor flush draws I would bet for value/protection and call a raise.

Tom Coldwell 11 years ago
Firstly, never fear asking a question because you think it's too simplistic, these forums are here so that people of all levels can learn and those 'basic questions' (if that's even a thing in PLO) are crucial to that process!*

When we go 4-ways, we should generally just bet with our legitimate hands and check our trash (as a very basic rule) because random bluffs just won't get through often enough to show a profit.

However, this is a very dry board (ie very little has a strong hand on it) so I would be happy to c-bet my AA or KK hands simply to thin the field (they do reasonably well on turns against one caller, whilst they do awfully on turns against three checks). Basically, AA and KK are actually kinda okay on this flop (although not nearly good enough that we're calling a raise unless we have like AA78 w/ a bdfd which is a very big hand).

Note: We haven't 3-bet preflop here, we've just raised a limp. This means our range is substantially wider than perhaps you are assuming. If we had 3-bet, this would have SPR and villain range implications which would actually make me want to c-bet our AA and KK hands more, although the idea of only c-betting legitimate hands would remain true.

*Asking how to play your range in a given spot isn't a basic question. Not even close.

notfamiliar 11 years ago

Great answers. Rly appreciate these. I did realise the mistake about type of this pot - non 3b for sure.

Meanwhile i have 1 more question. If it were an utg limp and we're mp. Are we gonna isolate? What about the same hand but ds? 

Is this hand even strong enough to isolate in this spot? Meaning we have 3  players left to act not counting limper.

(Sorry for possible mistakes, not a native speaker:((

Tom Coldwell 11 years ago
I am certainly isolating with this hand 100% if I'm entering the pot as we have no incentive to limp behind, thus inviting a multi-way pot (very bad with a hand like this which can flop strong but dominated hands with numerous opponents) and encouraging people to play against us with position.

Also worth noting that I would play this hand from any seat against any position limper - it's too connected for me to justify a fold and I've already explained why I hate limping. That said, I wouldn't shout that much at someone if they folded it single suited HJ vs. the UTG limp. Any other spot (so CO or later) and/or being double-suited would make it completely unacceptable because that becomes an automatic isolation for me.
DirtyD 11 years ago

Tom, what about in a game where "isolation" isn't really possible, i.e., our opponents are so loose that a raise is overwhelmingly likely to get multiple callers? Do you still prefer to raise? Does over-limping then enter the picture? Do you just muck it straight away?

Tom Coldwell 11 years ago
If a game is so loose that I am getting EXACTLY as much action raising as I am limping (which is a bit of a crazy hypothetical, but we'll run with it) then I suppose limping would be fine 'cas all the villains will suck so hard that we might as well make our money postflop (I'm also expecting them to play SO passively that I will not make many mistakes despite sometimes being dominated on great looking flops).

Then again, any game like this will almost certainly be a deep live game where I guess I'd raise simply "to make the pot bigger" (ahhh PokerRoad Radio how I miss you) 'cas I wanna be able to get a decent chunk of stacks in later on if I flop well.

But yeah, we'd need such a weird set up before I'd think limping is optimal so I'd just default to raising every time as it will never be a mistake in so far as costing me money (as a game that loose will contain DREADFUL players).

Imfish4u 11 years ago

ds I would def say that it is strong enough to isolate, otherwise it really depends on the HJ and BTN, if they are good players or/and very active you should think twice about trying to isolate the limper.

What you should try to achieve with hands like this is to be HU IP and what you really dont want is that it goes MW because the value of your hand goes down a lot, so it really depends on the ppl at the table if you should isolate or not imo.

All4Gambling 11 years ago

Hello thanks all!!!!

Sorry I forgot to say BB is not so weak player (but when he bets he have). HJ (middle) is a fish and yes I wanna isolate with him and if someone without position pay is not so bad, only if BU call but is tight tight.

Yes probably I do continue bet with my huge% of my preflop range (Txxx, AAxx, KKxx, 5678, pairxxx....), becouse is extremaly dry flop and I have position if they call me I have a good spot in turn but if they raise me probably with AAxxds I pay HJ but not BB(he dont raise me with his monstar hand I know I have played several hand with him).

But when he calls me and HJ goes allin I was thinking about BB hand and I thought Txxx or draw like me. But in the both situations I wanna do pot. 

 if I play this kind of hands preflop and you have this flop you wanna put all your chips in!!! 

HJ T4xx is his top range.


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