pl25. very deep. no SD value, OOP, river
Posted by JimmyGlass
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Low Stakes
pl25. very deep. no SD value, OOP, river
BB: $111 (Hero)
UTG: $92.24
HJ: $86.23
CO: $55.21
BN: $68.35
UTG folds, HJ calls $0.25, CO raises to $1.25, BN folds, SB folds, Hero raises to $4.40, HJ calls $4.15, CO calls $3.15
we're super deep. pl25
original raiser plays 86\60 and aggressive postflop
HJ 81\36. wtsd 26, rather passive
I guess, its more or less standard till turn. I decided not to fire again as at this point as HJ's range should include 2's mostly and some FD's that he would not fold and we'll have tough spot OTR.
when he checks the turn I'd say he doesn't (or almost) have any 2***. check back OTT makes sense only w\ 22,JJ,and FD\pair+FD. so what I doing otr is trying to get him off this FD\FD+pair which seems like majority of hands in his range otr. I decided (mb quite optimistic assumption) that he should lay down the naked Jack, and for this reason bet relatively big.
he could have some overpairs, but its narrow part of range...
so, generally, what you think about the way played?
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I was honestly waiting for someone other than me to answer this hand, but since no-one has, I'll take a bullet for you. I'm a lowstakes player like yourself, so keep that in mind, and if Tom, or any other good posters come and tell otherwise, discard my comments.
The preflop play in this hand is utterly spewtastic, cringeworthy and so far from any possible standard it can be. You are superdeep OOP, with
-no concievable fold-equity preflop
-players behind you postflop who don't like to fold
-one of them being aggressive (which makes postflop harder to play, as you might actually get bluffed off something)
-completely readless (as far as I am concerned 3 numbers and a passive/aggressive label is not nearly enough ever to start getting involved light, 250bb deep+ OOP)
-a total shitty, non-nutty hand, ranked top 20% by PPT for 6max, and you are actually flipping vs a 60% openraising range
You flop no nutouts, deep 3way OOP, and a 9card FD which might and might not be good when you hit. How to play it from flop out, I can't say, since I can't imagine myself being in a spot like this.
I also want to point out to you how lucky you should feel having such players at your table, and how fucking wonderfull it is to be able to never 3bet light OOP becasue you never have to worry the slightest bit about balance. You should relish this, and then when you climb to 100 and 200PLO and start having to battle decent regulars all the time from OOP, you can think back and sigh.
thanks for comment anyway, what you pointed out makes sense
preflop. I still consider the hand to be ok for 3bet, as what I care about is playability, and openraiser's fold to cbet in 3b pot, that was around 60%. sure, its worth being IP, especially this deep. but I expect to make profit vs his range and the way CO plays postflop even OOP with the hand we have
probably I should think on how likely to have HJ in the pot. I didnt pay much attention to it. thats a mistake. I still think Cbet here is fine, even 3way, as they folding much and there range is wide.
turn and river play I explained in the post above and have nothing to add.
I agree with Sightblinder, this is a perfectly good hand to just call and play a small pot with. I don't see how there's any particular playability argument for this hand either. It's going to flop weak hands and draws in a spot where you're deep and oop against an aggressive opponent. A preflop 3-bet is very non-standard here I would say. If you were in position I could see more point in 3-betting, since you have the option to get free cards sometimes when you need it. Here you don't.
As played, the flop bet is fine, but when you get called you need to give up unless you improve. Whatever he's calling you with is a) probably beating you, and b) not folding.
okay, u both make me overview the spot
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