PL25: pair + OESD on QJx 2tone in 4b pot

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PL25: pair + OESD on QJx 2tone in 4b pot


villain 57/43 over 200 hands
RFI UTG: 41 (22)
vs 3b: fold 0/15, call 8/15, 4b 7/15
cbet flop: 57 (46), oop only: 65 (23)

Given how lightly this guy was opening even UTG I decided to 3bet here (is this actually a fold vs lets say a 10% UTG opener?). Problem on the flop is that I never expect him to fold and be reasonably strong here, probably at the very least AKQ. Vs most of his range I'm flipping, vs hands like AA:cc, KKT, QJ I'm actually pretty far behind. Still a crying call or can I think about folding here?

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