Phil Galfond wanted a PLO starting hand chart and here it is.
Posted by PastyWhiteDonkey
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Low Stakes
Phil Galfond wanted a PLO starting hand chart and here it is.
We made the PLO Matrix, a PLO starting hand chart based on 6max monker outputs. Everybody here knows poker and the importance of playing well preflop so I don't need to reiterate. The magic of the Matrix is using 2 2-card no limit grids stacked on top of each other to give us 4 cards of information.
It is kind of hard to explain in text so here are the shill links:
Please notice me Phil
Video of it in action:
Detailed Instructions:
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If you are busto and want a short free trial for the micro sub pm me
We made a deal with upswing and they are handling payments. So unfortunately I can't give out free trials any more
Not that anyone probably cares about my opinion, but PLO Matrix is the nuts! Hands down the nuts! I got it shortly after getting my subscription to RIO. The combination of the two has really done wonders for my PLO game. I highly recommend it to anyone who takes PLO seriously & is looking to plug some leaks.. particularly any leaks in your preflop game.
I would tend to agree with you since I tried it as well and it is useful for learning good preflop fundamentals.
However I'm a bit surprised about the recent price increase.
It used to be 19$ / month for microstakes (which is fine for microstakes / small stakes players) and a higher price for mid/high stakes, and recently jumped to 49$/month for any stakes, following their partnership with Upswing.
I'm a bit shocked by this new pricing which of course will always be justifiable by "you get to save X buy-ins at this limit" but don't see any reason why it upped so much.
I was a subscriber before at 20$/month but as a small stakes player will not consider it for such a price.
Any other user thoughts?
Bluechip PLO Matrix give you the highest ROI for any poker training out there. If you are serious in learning PLO and spend $X on training every month, the first $49 should go to the highest ROI tool.
Well PLO is not my area of expertise, and neither in NLH as it is not my job. However through my job experience, seeing sentences starting with « if you are serious about X then you should do Y » usually sounds like ads, and from past comments I guess you represent this product, which is fine but should be mentioned. Again, the tool is really good but I still disagree with the price. What needs to be understood as well is that when you increase the price of a service without any consequent change to it, or with small changes just designed to justify price increase and a higher revenue per customer, it creates suspicion from you customers, starting to think like you’re not acting in their best interest. I stated my points and will not contribute further to this post :) GL with PLOMatrix
I don't when you last had the Matrix, but when I first signed up for it it had a $19/month option & a $39/month option. The difference being that it went to higher stakes &, most important to me, the higher price point included multi-way scenarios. I've found that when reviewing my HH I lose considerably more in MW pots as compared to HU pots.
Also, if you were a subscriber at the time of the change to Upswing you get the old price grandfathered in. And.... all current subscribers got $100 credit at Upswing. I'm pretty loyal to RIO, but having the $100 credit at Upswing is nice. If you've been a member of their Discord you'd see that there is talk of upgrades, & has been upgrades right along, to the Matrix. Essentially all they did was eliminate the lower price point & force you to buy it at the higher price point if you want it. It only went up $10. Things go up in price. It's just a fact of life. Look at what subscriptions to RIO cost in the early days as compared to what they cost now.
I still feel, IMHO, it's probably the best product on the market for PLO. And I don't represent the company in any way whatsoever. Just a consumer who loves the product.
looks good!
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