PAD hand 300/600/1200 galfond has QQ56 ds
Posted by cAp217
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High Stakes
PAD hand 300/600/1200 galfond has QQ56 ds
Phil is in the bob w QQ56 ds and Ivey is the straddler. Pa folds and Hastings is on he button and makes it $3500. Dwan folds and both Phils call. I would think that the way Hastings has been playing (most active) and Ivey limping, galfond can raise here.
-I am interested more in the dynamic of live play and if thought processes change vs online? I always see live PLO as a lot of flop seeing and not as aggressive preflop. I have never played with the same lineup in both formats.
-Is this ever a raise pre?
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I recently watched the same episode and if I remember correctly, they were all very deep at the start of this hand which certainly is an important factor in the preflop decision. It was definitely interesting to watch these guys play live and see the difference between the live vs online even though it was roughly the same lineup + same stakes.
Could it be that there were no "fish" or action players at the table (without naming)?
Another point is that when pg 3bets here he isn't really pushing much of an equity edge and combine with the fact that he has worse absolute position, 3betting will just be increasing variance and nothing more.
Thats what I think anyways... someone correct me if my thoughts are wrong
Maybe its the lineup, sample size, not being able to run it 2x... I am just curious.
In general, live does play more loose/passive than online. Part of this has to do with the players, but another part has to do with boredom, in my opinion. One tabling live gets pretty slow. I think people have more fun seeing flops without bloating pots. It keeps them busy, and it's more relaxed than playing high intensity, huge 3bet pots where you're playing slowly and trying to soul-read each other.
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