O6 HU otf K56r having top set + bdNfd - how would you play it?
Posted by lofigr
Posted by lofigr posted in Low Stakes
O6 HU otf K56r having top set + bdNfd - how would you play it?
So, its HU O6, $0,25 0,5 and hand is from title, I play IP.
Opponent bets like $2,2 into $3 otf, I reraise (?) to like $9, got re-reraised ( ?? ) to $27 and now I need to play for the stacks
in my 1st hand HU vs this player. We have each $50.
Q) Was my reraise otf "bad" as I dont have strong redraw but top set and should I just call and then reraise ott (blank one) and
play with caution when straight completes ott? How would you play it and what do you think my opponent has?
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