Non Showdown vs. Showdown Winnings
Posted by ekeivs
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Low Stakes
Non Showdown vs. Showdown Winnings
Help needed!
I've looked through my HEM stats and found out that my non showdown winnings graph is going up and showdown winnings going down?
Is it suppose to be like that in PLO Omaha cash games in micros?
I'm pretty loose and aggressive.
I know it's small hand example but can you look at my graph
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I had a simliar graph when I started out with PLO few years ago, you simply overvalue hands that combine weak madehands and weak draws, like TP and weak FD, or openeders with weak FD, raising those against bets and going broke with those.
It is possible that you will have a winrate with this style at micros because many people do the same mistakes, but you will have to work on your game if you want to get your blue line above 0 in the long term.
I've always thought your red line should be negative at micros and your blue line should be very positive and basically how you make money. Unless you're very good at LAG, building big pots and making people fold rivers. Experienced PLO grinders is that generally correct?
you can make money in a lot of ways, and micros are no exception.
But given the way the games play it's very difficult to maintain your red line somewhat breakeven or better without sacrifising too much on the blue line such as OP did, not to say it's not possible if you know how to do it right (check the 100PL challenge from Shuller). If you know what spots to attack against which opponents and understand range dynamics very well you likely can achieve both a positive blue and red line, but you probably shouldnt be playing much PLO25 in that case ( exceptions such as me prove the rule)
I play mostly 50 Zoom on Stars but tried to add some 25 zoom when the higher pools are reg infested, and as you can see reasonable red lines can be achieved but the money still comes from the blue line
(graph is 90% 3-4tabling btw, so better red lines can/should definitely be achievable)
Thanks guys. Going to check out Shuller videos. By the way what is your preflop stats for PLO?
My VPIP is 56.8 PFR 25.9 and 3BET 4.98 in six max ZOOM
that's like waaaaay off from what your stats should look like :)
Check out Tom Coldwells videos for instance or just some videos on youtube about Omaha starting hands.
I'm currently just being a huge nit cause I'm new. Nittier in PLO than in NL. My PLO stats are like 22/15/5.
That is definitely more likely to be a winning style (especially at lower stakes) than the one above.
I just start to try some HM2 filters and find out that main CO and BT showdown winnings is hugely profitable but from MP and EP I losing money and showdown winnings are so negative.
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