Non showdown vs recs
Posted by straight river
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straight river
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Low Stakes
Non showdown vs recs
Hi, i have always struggeled with the recs at both PLO and NL, now im playing PLO. So i have been winning at PLO at micros plo2 for some time consistenty and hopefully moving to plo5 soon. The session i just played was at what i believe is peak hours at Stars, with alot of recs playing. So vs high rec density my redline just plummits as you can see from below. I dont like the "just valuebet them hard" comments because you dont make a hand enough to valuebet hard when your redline is this steep. And i cant just start doublebarreling imo cause i will just get called again and burning even more money. When i get called alot i tighten up preflop, as is the case here, but even then it just doesnt work out for me.
I am reluctant to cbet air and vs multiple opponents. And i end up having very tight stats pre because often i cant open from the button with mediocre holdings in this loose company because there is limpers in the pot already, and if i try isolating it doesn work cause someone in the blinds will call and i end up with mediocre hands vs 2 players. Whatever i do both in plo and nl it just doest work at high rec density but im doing fine and consistently winning at my stake when rec density is lower, also in NL.
As you can see from my graph i ended up having very few showdownable hands this session. I probably had some but when things go multiway you cant continue too much.
So ppl can say that this is a small sample, but surely my non showdown is very consistent loosing at a too high rate and its very typical not only this session. So what im saying is that even if i had more showdownable and valuebettable hands it just istn going to be enough when your non showdown is loosing at this rate.
And from what i understand good players will go out of their way and even play bad hands to get in pots with the recs.
So any thoughts on this?
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Positive redline is not optimal against retards, i tripple barrel all the time and it doesn't work against the most ridiculous holdings a lot of the time. People c/c c/c c/c any baby straight low flush or naked overpair, that being said you shouldn't be a fkin rock and never cbet light or c/r bluff some spots, just not bet into the obvious strong hands.
Red line is overrated. Lets imagine we have the nuts OTR with potsize left, we have bet 2 streets and now shove. If villain folds our redline goes up drastically, but if he calls our overall line goes up even further while the redline is untocuhed. So if you play against players who will give you more value on your strong hands you dont need to force folds everytime you dont have a big hand. Even if you read their hand prefectly and you know they should fold, they still wont. Now imagine tripleing any hand, anytime, you will have a psotive redline for sure, but anything else falls down.
know your enemy. try barreling them, then make a note on whether they like to call or fold, and what their idea of you might be after seeing you barrel them.
small edges count, and they add up. if you are using a HUD with custom colour ranges on the stats and labeling player types and taking notes and playing a robust strategy and grinding volume, you will win if your opponents aren't doing all those things.
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