My turn bet. 200bb deep
Posted by Sneaky_Z
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Low Stakes
My turn bet. 200bb deep
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $19.57
SB: $30.43
BB: $13.24
UTG: $76.95 (Hero)
MP: $5.06
CO: $46.22
SB: $30.43
BB: $13.24
UTG: $76.95 (Hero)
MP: $5.06
CO: $46.22
Hero is UTG with
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Final Pot
wins and shows a full house, Kings full of Sevens.
UTG lost and shows a full house, Sevens full of Fives.
BN wins $37.79
Rake is $1.50
UTG lost and shows a full house, Sevens full of Fives.
BN wins $37.79
Rake is $1.50
Hi. started playing Plo again. Having arrived in this situaiton a few times but do not know the way to take on the turn?
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With bottom two pair, you should really see this flop as only drawing to a backdoor nut flush, a very weak heart draw, and RR quad 7s/5s. 1/3-1/2 pot bet/call on the turn for a cheap river, then check/call the river bet with the 3rd best hand.
I would prefer to check-call the flop. We have great equity against the parts of his range that fold to a bet, but not-so-great equity against his range that continues vs. a bet. Also don't want to force money into the pot with a non-nutty hand.
As played, I like betting again on this turn. We pick up nut outs, which makes building a pot more attractive. I don't think most people will stab light when checked to on the turn, so betting seems like the best way to put money in good.
Once raised I think we should probably call and navigate rivers as well as possible. I think it's extremely rare for him to raise with hands we dominate. Most people almost never start playing a draw passively, then shift into aggressive mode vs. continued aggression on a later street. Therefore I think our two pair is almost always dominated.
Bet otf isnt the worst but I would start with a check/call with this hand. Now when he calls you he obviously has something to call you to the river with given the 2 isnt really a scary card or even raise you ott like in this instance. I would rather c/c to see cheap river because you don`t want to be outpriced when raised and this really puts you into dice spot. You are only nutted to the club flush ott which gives you 8 outs, you have no idea about your heart draw and your full house outs probably arent good. This is a standard play with sets.
Just c/c ott and see cheap river then you can decide whats good and whats not. I like bet-bet more when you have some kind of straight draw to go with your flush draw, then you need to build a pot in case you hit.
Thanks for any thoughts. Has made me see that hand completely different from what I thought was right. Need to work on my grounds. I CB too often
If we are the villan. How you played the hand? Is it in risky to just call the flop?
BN let you do the betting for them and got it all in with the nuts OTT, can't ask for a better situation, except to also have the nut heart draw.
foldable pre, horrible play postflop
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