Geo's beginning @ $4PLO

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Geo's beginning @ $4PLO

A new year and a new beggining @ 2c/4c PLO

I've played Hold'em recreationally for quite a few years, be that SnG's, MTT's or cash. I'll be kind to myself and say I'm about breakeven over the course of my 'career'. I don't particulaly enjoy hold'em any more which is the exact opposite of how I feel playing PLO. I don't have a massive sample of hands so I'm going to start a new database and record my results here and see how I go, assuming this is the correct forum for it.

I've watched quite a few PLO video series' in the past, none which are wholey relevent to such small stakes but given most of the advice I've taken on board at this level I figure I should play a nut peddling/phat value style, if there is such a thing, and work up my roll for PLO10 and upwards! That said, my aim for 2014 is to be able to make a nice monthly at PLO100 with a hope to playing full time in 2015. I'm not sure how possible that may be but I think signing up here is a step in the right direction.

I've watched Tom Coldwell's 'PLO beginnings' and was wholey impressed so I'm now looking for any advice as to what videos would help my transition in styles as I climb through the stakes. I assume @ PLO4/10/25 I shouldn't have to adjust that nut peddling style too much and can enjoy a low variance bb/100 on my way to PLO50.

Thanks for reading, I'm really enthusiastic about joining this place and hopefully you guys can help me along the way. I will be contributing as much as I can and will post updates and hands on the regular.

Starting Roll: $200

Tables: 4

Stake: 2c/4c


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