Meh river spot at the PLO WCOOP

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Meh river spot at the PLO WCOOP

BB: $0
UTG: $2058
UTG1: $5171
UTG2: $22041
UTG3: $4806
LJ: $8590
HJ: $13326 (Hero)
CO: $10635
BN: $7814
SB: $5340
A KO PLO $215 WCOOP tournament, slightly more than half the field busted, no ICM considerations. Blinds are 100/200. The Villain in this hand is loose and sticky (VPIP ~45, fold to cbet ~30). However, I'd rather discuss this from a general theory prospective rather than opponent specific. I am not a PLO specialist, so my reasoning may be way off.
Preflop ($300.00) (9 Players)
Hero was dealt J Q 8 9
UTG1 folds, UTG2 folds, BB folds, LJ calls $200, Hero raises to $600, CO calls $600, BN folds, SB folds, UTG folds, LJ folds
Flop ($1700.00) 3 2 J (2 Players)
Hero bets $1105, CO calls $1105
Decent and quite cbetable board for me. The opponent shouldn't have much of a raising range, provided I block the top set, lower sets are unlikley and he has position to work with for all his draws, overpairs and random backdoor/pair floats. I should be well ahead of his calling range and have many decent barrelling cards.

Against most opponents cbet with this sizing should be auto profitable due to a folding equity, right? I do not play PLO cash, and maybe people are more reluctant to fold here than I thought, so feel free to share your view.
Turn ($3910.00) 3 2 J 7 (2 Players)
Hero bets $3000, CO calls $3000
Not an ideal card but gives me three nut outs at least. I think I have to keep betting for value and protection. IMO he should be calling this with J, KK+ and flush draws+, maaybe some low wraps (is this a call without clubs?).
River ($9910.00) 3 2 J 7 Q (2 Players)
Hero checks, CO bets $2800, Hero folds
5,930 effective stacks. I decided to check-chicken to such a small sizing because I really didn't see many hands the Villain may want to turn into a bluff. On the other hand, he should have clubs a ton. Is this a horrendous fold or I saved a couple of blinds?
Final Pot
CO wins $9910


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midori 10 years, 6 months ago

Hi Misha,

I think you played the hand just fine.  Isolating LJ limper is fine/std, as our hand doesn't play super well in a MW pot due to its gap in the middle. 

Flop I think is fairly standard.  His calling range should be Jx, overpairs, FD, dry wrap, etc.  Due to preflop and flop action, I think his range is capped high to KK + cc.  He can of course have Jx with Acc as well, although this will be more likely to be put into a raising range.

Turn is interesting, and this 7 acts as a "bridge" from the flop to the river.  The board hasn't abruptly changed yet, but now a lot of different river cards can change it further (which, by the way, is often the case with HLL flop).  There are very few good river cards for us - 9/8/6/5/4/A puts a straight on the board, 7/3/2 makes him snap call with overpairs, K improves KJ, clubs complete a flush, etc.  We are happy on J, non-club Q and T I guess, and that's just 8 cards in the deck.

That said, we can't really barrel on a ton of rivers anyway, and I actually don't mind checking this turn.  Especially in MTT, where reducing variance has some value.  I guess 9/8 aren't as bad because they give us top two and put a straight that's unlikely for him to have, but still, it's hard to get called by much worse. 

That said, I think river is a fold.  I don't think he doesn't have a bluffing range in this spot, but I'd expect him to bet much larger with his bluffs.  I think you can still play some non-nut flushes (and sometimes even the nut flush) like this, so it's not like we are getting super exploited.  

Still, it's an annoying spot to be in, and I wonder if checking the turn would have made things any easier.  Just my thoughts..

- midori

superT 10 years, 6 months ago

I was thinking of checking the turn as well due to the same reasons you stated. Vs. his turn calling range we're pretty lost on a lot of rivers. Being out of position really hurts here. Also the turn SPR is around 2.25 so we could get jammed on somewhat often since a lot of draws opened.

That said, do we check to check/call and face the same river problems? Just check/fold?

We probably have around 30-33% equity if we ch/jam and get called, so he needs to b/f around 20-30% of the time depending on the betsize. I don't know if a standard villain has that many bet/folds in his range, but we have the read that he plays many hands pre and calls a lot of flop cbets. This particular guy might have enough weaker hands in his range so that he either bet/folds enough or we have better equity when called, maybe making ch/shove a valid option?

OnceItRun 10 years, 6 months ago

You played it ok. I'd prefer different sizings tho, in an MTT you don't want to build the pot in such way with marginals. Often betting flop in 800-ish range works fine and on the turn, since you are never moving him off of any hand, you don't have to bet too big, half pot is fine. 

You can also check turn for the same reasons and get the occasional value from floats.

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