Maths: Why do we get in part of our range which loses vs their Range?

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Maths: Why do we get in part of our range which loses vs their Range?

Maths: Why do we get in part of our range which
loses vs their Range?

To make a simple scenario:

Blinds are $0.5/1.  We are assuming
blinds will fold.  Stacks are $37.5.  Co raises to $3.5
with 35% of hands.  Button makes it $12 with a 10% range.  When
CO 4bets BN calls it off.

For CO to profitably 4 bet:  they are
risking $34 to win $76.5, so they need 44.444% equity in the hand to 4bet get
it in. 

My question is why do we want our range to have
this equity, as opposed to narrowing our range and having a play which makes us
more money?  
- is it just to make CO less exploitable in a game
theory sense? as BN could adjust and just ramp up their 3 betting range when
they figured out CO's range is too tight?  

Below are my numbers to show how a tighter range is
more +ev.

By using Pro poker tools to find out what range of
all hands have 44.444% equity, it is roughly the top 23% of hands.  So
CO is shoving 23/35 = 65.71% of the time.  The average equity for CO=
44.88%. BN equity = 55.12%. using this info we can create an Ev table:

Now, if we are to have the same scenario but with
CO only 4 betting the top 8% of his range we see that CO is shoving 8/35 = 23%
of the time, but this time has an average equity of 51.92%.  If we
extrapolate the rest of the numbers needed it creates the table:

So in a vaccum, with these ranges (which happen to
be the propoker tools hand equity ranges) it is clearly more +ev after being 3
bet to 4bet the top 8%.

So intuitively, the top of the range is
compensating for the bottom of the range as shown by how well the 8-23% of the
range does.   So with a similar table to the above we see the CO
4bets 15/35 = 42.85% of the time.  When shoving  Co has an
average of  41.731% equity.  From this we can create the

So this portion of our range clearly loses us
money.  Why do we want to keep it in having reached the scenario of
being 3bet?

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