Massive draw oop vs huge stack...

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Massive draw oop vs huge stack...

This was kind of an odd hand due to stack dynamics - not sure if I played it well or not...

Shallow PLO 0.1/0.25 with $10 max buy-in.

UTG - folds

HJ - $1.69, so pretty short, opens to $0.85

CO - $63.26 - flats. This player had recently called a raise/call in the SB with Q445 dble suited; he also has trouble locating the fold button on occasion

BTN and SB fold

Hero - BB - with $8.56 - 8675ss.  Folding is out of question - I can 3 bet and put HJ all in, however HJ shoves most flops anyway and CO is more than capable of 4 betting and making me play hand oop. This way, if I totally whiff I can get away for no damage i.e AK3 or something

Flop ($2.52)

Tc 4s 6d - I have basically everything, HJ likely has overpair and god knows what CO has ( I do feel he would re-raise TT to get it h/up vs short HJ). I block middle set and have a backdoor club draw as well.

Hero - checks

HJ - shoves $0.84 and is all-in.

CO - flat calls - not sure what to make of this; again if he has TT why just flat and let me draw if I have the kind of hand I do have....

Hero -  not sure what to do here; I elect to call and see a turn card rather than escalate the pot. I can't shove all-in anyway, and (whilst never folding) do I really want to face a  3 bet here if he does have TT..the pot is also protected with HJ all-in so presume CO must have something - he is loose but not a total moron. Looking back, is this too wussy and should I be bet/calling it off here?

Turn ($4.92) - 7s

Kerching! - see you at showdown.

CO checks and I bet $4.13 with the nuts. Not sure about sizing here either - is this too much? My thinking was to shut down random crap spade draws and get the CO's dead money in the middle vs the HJ who I put on KK/QQ...

CO folds and HJ shows QQ93 rainbow and is drawing dead - double kerching with cherries on!!

Sizing in these shallow games is something I am finding a bit odd - especially against the huge stack of the CO. Should I just be jamming the flop with that big of a hand? Yes I hit the utter nuts this time, however am trying to work on a strategy for these kinds of hands going forwards. I should say, I would have adjusted sizing without the all-in protected pot..


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