Lucky fish or good AA play?
Posted by benny1616
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Low Stakes
Lucky fish or good AA play?
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
UTG: $75.86
MP: $74.92
CO: $50.00
BN: $63.69
SB: $66.42
BB: $102.42 (Hero)
MP: $74.92
CO: $50.00
BN: $63.69
SB: $66.42
BB: $102.42 (Hero)
Hero is BB with
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Betting flop good or is checking better? stacking off with gutshot okay?
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I think going ahead and c-betting is for sure the right play. Our opponent should not connect often with this board if he opens a standard EP range. We actually do have a double gutter and a BDFD. So betting and stacking off should definitely be our preferred line here.
Once we get deeper we mostly have to call the raise and re-evaluate on certain Turnrunouts!
We are already 150BB deep. How much deeper has it to be to just call the raise?
Hey wowsick , good question!
It seems that we are quite at the tipping point of stack-off equity needed and our stack depth.
Assuming that we have no fold EQ; we need to pay another 62$ into a pot of ~150$. Our required equity would therefore be 41.3%. Against his get it in range we have around 40.5%. Again, this only counts if we expect our opponent never to fold. Deeper than 150bb we should continue by calling the raise.
Hope that helps,
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