Looking for study buddys to form a small study group..

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Looking for study buddys to form a small study group..

Just wondering if anyone would be interested in joining my small study group? I already study with one chap once a week but wouldn't mind having a group of a couple more people to talk through hands, exchange information on the game like articles and other useful media. Also analysis of tricky spots and whatever else could be mutually beneficial.

Not too bothered about peoples skill level although it'd help (I'm no killer at the table but think I am holding my own playing PLO10), more valuable at this stage would be a good attitude and determination to improve and also reliability.. if your gonna flake don't bother. Anyway if anyone's keen and would be interested in studying a little each week send me a message and we'll work something out. Peace


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StarFish 7 years, 8 months ago

Hi Miami. I´m at PLO10 at the Moment and crush it :-) (at the Moment with a 14 BB/100). Will update or create a new Threat when I leave Micros (think it´s more interesting then if I play PLO50).

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