Looking for small stakes player to help me complete some study aids

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Looking for small stakes player to help me complete some study aids

I am intending to make materials that I can use to study PLO away from the tables, but don't have the time to do the data entry required. I'm looking to hire a low to midstakes PLO player to help me with this project. You would be paid for completing the project (we can work out incremental payments if that's best for you) and the pay would work out to roughly $15-20 an hour, though if you are fast, you might effectively make more by completing the project sooner. Additionally, you'll also get to keep a copy of the study aids you make for me to use yourself as long as they are not shared elsewhere. You must be reasonably competent in PLO and either familiar with the solver or willing to receive a brief tutorial about the process that I will be using. Please PM me if you have interest.

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