Live Game - Flop Strategy?
Posted by UCBananaboy
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Mid Stakes
Live Game - Flop Strategy?
Typical full ring live game with lots of multiway pots, limping pre, etc etc.
Villain (MP) is one of the poorer players at the table. He definitely categorizes as more of an "action" player, but not in the sense that he fires blindly at pots. He calls down pretty lightly and is generally quite sticky. He has Hero covered.
Hero in BB with Js Jc 9h 8s
$15 raise pre by EP, five callers and Hero completes.
Flop ($75): 7s 6d 3c
SB bets $25. Hero flats.
Villain pots it to $175 and it's folded to us. We have about 1 PSB left if we call the bet.
How would we rank the following strategies in this spot?
1.) Jam. Villain is known to only run it once and I would say we have no fold equity in this spot.
2.) Call with the intention of lead-potting any spade, Jack, Ten, Five
3.) Call and check all Turns
4.) Fold
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Fold the flop both times. How many times your opponent runs it is never a relevant factor.
Agreed. With so many players to act behind you, calling this flop is going to lose you plenty money in the long run.
Best case is that they all fold and you're up against a strong SB range and have maybe 40% equity, and worst case is you're up against a straight from one player and a wrap from another and you're drawing slim to half the pot.
Your best case scenario doesn't win you much at all, and you're not going to see it often enough to justify continuing.
Once the flop gets raised, fold again. You need something like 44% equity to get it in now, and you definitely don't have it. There isn't close to enough to be gained by making decisions on the turn with 1 PSB left to make up for that.
think u have to call the original donk bet with 8 cleanouts to the nuts. A flat can generate worse calls from behind to which gives us better odds. Also, in general, live plays more passive and no one is squeezing behind without the absolute nuts, which means we at least see turns here often fairly cheap, all things considered(implied odds).
I like your reasoning, learning, about live games playing passively and the increased pot odds from players calling behind you, but I think that (as I just mentioned above) you're already not doing great against the SB range and the calls from players behind you often will be from hands that kill or share your outs.
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