live 5/10 game with 50 button straddle- strategy?
Posted by George W.
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George W.
posted in
High Stakes
live 5/10 game with 50 button straddle- strategy?
There is usually always 4-5 players to every flop- both limped and single raised pots. 3betting is infrequent. Most of the rec players play very conservative but stationey post flop (only valuing nutty hands), but of course the super spews are getting it in light and making moves.
With the 50 button straddle and the 1500 stacks, what type of hands would you recommend that I limp/raise the straddle? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks guys
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play insanely tight preflop if the button straddle isnt mandatory and isnt on every hand. People think "the button straddle creates action" but actually it should do the complete opposite the fact that there is only 65 in the pot, and you have to put in a minimum or 50 to play and will often be oop means that each player especially the blinds should be playing so much tighter than usual. its terrible for the games. Limp hands like KKxx with one suit (i.e. hands that will do well in the limped pots but hate to get three bet) and mix in some limp reraises with high equity hands that dont play that well like bad AAxx. Raise in general with only strong high equity hands because of shallow stacks. Hands like 3456 are going to generally be junk in this structure especially from the ep positions or when the pot is going multiway with all the limps
In theory the button straddle should dissuade action, but in practice people just shovel the money in anyway. Given how much you have to invest to see a flop, the fact that a player with absolute position is highly incentivised to play, and the total lack of pre-flop fold equity, there's not much reason to play anything besides the strongest starting hands. The optimal strategy is probably to play very tight, just raise the best hands and fold everything else, perhaps going for a bit of limp-calling or limp-raising as phil suggested. But since this is a private game, that may be frowned upon. Is there a chance of getting kicked out of the game if you're not regarded as an "action" player?
there's always a chance of being banned, but I just started playing in the game and haven't been winning yet so it'll take a little time if it happens. Especially since I'm pretty sociable with the players.
When you say raise with the strongest starting hands, what's the bare minimum in that category? How's a hand like QJ99 single suit or gappers like Q1098 single suit?
For me those hands are borderline, I would often fold them in early position but play them in late position (certainly on BN, often also in CO or HJ). It depends a lot on how other people are playing pre-flop. If it's a limp-fest, I think it makes a lot of sense to limp hands like that and expect to profit from other people's mistakes post-flop. If it's a wild game where most pots get 3bet pre-flop, I think it's best just to fold right away since it's so hard to see a flop and your hand isn't strong enough that you want to put in a lot pre-flop. In my experience the most common scenario for live games is that most pots end up single-raised multi-way pre-flop. In these games limping and calling are often just different roads to the same situation. If you raise, you're unlikely to get 3bet, but if you limp someone will probably put in a raise.
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