Live 10/25/50 Button Straddle

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Live 10/25/50 Button Straddle

Game is four handed. Two fish, myself (all three opponents know I'm an aggressive pro), and a winning recreational player.

I'm playing 15k and have the SB. BB is the recreational player and is currently up around 25k. I'm stuck 10, the other two are stuck as well. I should have a good image despite being down a few BI.

I open A5ccK3xx to 200$ which is prolly a function of who the Button is. BB hasn't been three betting often, nor wide enough for me to peel when he 3bets (not that I should be peeling this hand anyways), which he does. Others fold and I call 400 more.

9c 8d 3c (1250)

I check, villain bets 1.1k, I xr to 4k


With PSR as is (11.5) I'm pretty sure I am putting in too much money OTF. However, when constructing his stack off range I never really have less than 45%. Obviously with lower PSR my play is super straight forward but I'm questioning the best line here with this stack size.

I think the main issue at this depth when CR the flop becomes how to play the turn on the straight cards. This becomes quite a problem for my range (and actual hand) since I have no blockers to any possible straight draw hands he can have (5 is marginally relevant given it blocks the 76 draw, but he doesn't have any naked 76 hands unless it's exactly AA76ds/KK76ds imo). I end up potentially putting in a lot of money OTT vs a heavily weighted straight hand which I'm confident he'd rather three bet preflop than marginal one pair hands for obvious reasons (AAxx, KKxx, QQxx). His strong preflop 3b range also include a multitude hands that can call the flop and play turns very well when clubs come (fold), and never fold on bricks (especially if he is paired), or when he has like JJTx, QQJT, JT9x, JT8x, JT7x, etc. And then obviously when he improves his hand to 2P+ on non club cards he has a strong equity adv. and the street plays itself.

Anyways, I am confident I fucked this hand up on multiple streets (mainly my poor pf hand selection/positional play leading to a rushed flop judgement). Looking for any comments or other thoughts I may have missed.

I guess the main question I have is how much FE do I need to have OTF to justify going for a xr. Regardless, I don't think this opponent is betting flop here at a frequency in which my play is great. Obviously if he is betting hands like QQJA here my play becomes better since in these live games I have a lot of FE vs hands like that, however it's questionable if he even bets a hand as "weak" as that in this spot w PSR as is.

When constructing my flop XR range how does this hand rank within that grouping? At first glance I thought it was ok, albeit marginal (mainly cause my lack of blockers combined with PSR and position). But it could actually be pretty poor (Obviously 2nd pair, or TP, + NFD are better and probably hands I should start with, and leave this one in my xc range)

Thanks for reading wall of text. Hope my thought process was a clear enough even if misguided.

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