Live 10/25 line check

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Live 10/25 line check

First off, im relatively new to plo, playing alot more lately as it has been my main focus over nl. No real reads on villain in the hand. I'm out of town, unsure if he is a reg, bought $10k in chips and took $5k off. He just lost a big pot where he c/r potted the flop with a wrap+nfd, gets it allin on the turn with nuts and loses. Overall playing relatively tight pf.

$5k effective

utg limps, guy raises to $100, I call with Ad 6c 5d 3s, villain calls, bb call, utg calls.

Flop ($500): 7c 4d 2c

Checks to me I bet $350, villain calls, everyone folds.

Turn: 2d

What are my best options ott and why?


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RunitTwice 12 years, 2 months ago
Hey,First of all, if you are new to PLO, start lower. Without knowing you, I feel its the right approach for +95% of all ppl.I guess betting is the best option here, its easiest to balance, you want to bluff your clubdraws given the immidiate foldequity on the turn. Since you would never want to check behind a boat on the turn, its a pretty clear bet.Against a turn raise I would still consider to continue since c/c this board with any kind of boat comb is very unlikely. => planning to rebluff/bluffcatch the river depending on hitting or not.GreetingsRunitTwice

e: probably I prefer betting the flop a little bigger, because in general your range leans more towards a stronger range.
BagOfSuck 12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks RunItTwice, agree that betting flop is probably best. However, depending on sizing/timing etc do you think c/raising is a viable option?
RunitTwice 12 years, 2 months ago
damn I was tired,tbh I thought you were in position.I still prefer betting on the flop, you have some immdiate foldequity, even with this hand w/o nutfd, I am happy to just take the pot down. It feels like your hand is too vulnerable to c/r.Turn is oop 100% a bet for the same reasons given above, maybe c/r as bluffinduce is viable.Greetings RunitTwice
DirtyD 12 years, 2 months ago
I'm new to PLO as well, but I'm finding these board-pairing turn cards can be excellent bluffing cards. Weaker players tend to give up with a big chunk of their range, especially draws, fearing they could be drawing dead to a boat.

The villain doesn't sound like the type to slow-play 77 or 44 on the flop, so unless he has 72 or 42 he's not going to be happy when we bet. I would bet and expect to get quite a lot of folds here.
riverboatking 11 years, 9 months ago

great spot to barrel just remember you don't have to bet very much. 30-40% of the pot is more then enough. also just curious what do u mean he bought in 10K but took 5K off? are u trying to say he's down 5K or he actually took chips off the table? (that's called going south and is against the rules).

SighNeverBink 11 years, 9 months ago

He probably means he gave a runner 10K and stuck 5 1K chips in his pocket before playing a hand (legal) it's not super relevant but you could use it to aid some assumptions.

David Nicholson 11 years, 9 months ago

defo a bet he's got a lot of 1P+sd type hands/hands like our which he'll fold a lot of the time. He has 42 and 72 (and 44 and 77 but not as often as you) so your range is stronger combined with the fact you got bucket loads of equity vs everything that isn't the stone top of his range. Agree w/RBK can go a lil smaller but I wouldn't go as small as 30/40% would stick around half pot for a live poker game (i'd be betting $180/$200 online) but I think you need to go a little bigger live for same FE (people are a bit more stubborn in live games, imo)

would be value-betting our rivers for sure as well

flipacoin 11 years, 9 months ago

I think its fine to play the flop that way...I wouldn't c/r on that flush board without a FD to go with the wrap. More importantly from HJ, ure only hope to bet is the button and kinda looks fishy taking a C/R line like that. So bet and thin the field so u can make a decision on based on turns.

 In this turns case I think mostly likely you can go ahead and bet that turn, you don't have much info on the guy but u know he is aggressive with his solid draws and protects his made hands, so he is mostly likely gonna protect that draw heavy board if he had a set of sorts. I would little over half pot the turn, and  bet about 70 % on all non-club rivers whether or not my straight gets there. 

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