Live 10/20 4 way spot
Posted by Choparno
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High Stakes
Live 10/20 4 way spot
Game is 10/20 PLO live full ring 10 handed game
Hero is BU with $15k effective and has whole table covered
Villain 1, $4k, (MP): tight weak passive reg who plays hands face up
Villain 2, $3k, (BB): big aggro fish, likes to pot alot of hands pre and bet alot of flops with anything
Villain 3, $2500 (SB): super tight reg, only plays aggressive with the nuts
Preflop Action:
UTG limps, MP limps, Hero overlimps BU with 4h5h8s9s, SB completes, BB raises to 100, everyone calls.
Flop ($500): 2h6d8h
SB checks, BB pots it for 500, UTG folds, villain 1 calls, what's our play here?
BB is super wide and villain 1 can never have made hands here, he would raise all 68+ hands in this spot and there's not many 28 or 26 combos in his preflop range.
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