Link to discussion: POKERSTARS: Time to treat PLO and NLHE as different games!

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Link to discussion: POKERSTARS: Time to treat PLO and NLHE as different games!


I have started a thread on 2p2 regarding Pokerstars' treatment of PLO and NLHE within various discussions. They seem to group a lot of issues of PLO and NLHE together, which is obviously very wrong.

I would appreciate your opinions on the link below.

POKERSTARS: Time to treat PLO and NLHE as different games!

Dear Pokerstars,

I firmly believe time to aknowledge that PLO and NLHE are two completely different games and the ongoing and future topics of discussions for them should be taken separately. Exactly like you already did with the minimum buy-in and I applaud you for that.

However such things as

1) Rake
2) Time to act at the table
3) Ratholing

still remain topics that are discussed together with NLHE and I believe that is not right.

Few points to get the conversation of the disparency between PLO and NLHE started:

1) Rake:

-the games play different and for example "no flop, no drop" policy doesn't really come to effect since fold to 3 or 4 bets are much smaller than on NLHE for example.

-small stakes PLO pays over 2x times the rake as NLHE played at the same software and equivalent stakes (NL100/PLO100 for example, the lower in stakes you go, the wider the gap gets)

---> this calls for a completely different rake structure since the current situation (at low stakes especially) is not sustainable. In fact it's absurd.

....if Pokerstars still thinks PLO should have the same rake structure as NLHE, then we demand for same rake bb/100 as NLHE. Yes, Pokerstars might not look at the rake issue like this, but we players do. We measure winrate, risk (standard deviation) in bb/100, as we do with cost of the game. This is something that Pokerstars needs to seriously consider to keep the games beatable and sustainable.

Petition to Pokerstars to reduce the PLO cash game rake

2) Time to act at the table

-for example PLO pre-flop action is more complex than at NLHE and requires more thought.

...this is especially the case at the deep tables.

-HSPLO opinion on the matter was asked, players gave their opinions and majority (according to my perception) was against faster tables and preferred normal speed tables.

PokerStars Announcement: Changes to ‘Time to Act’ in Ring Games

HSPLO discusses the new time to act rules

3) Ratholing

- The structural edge by shorting in PLO is bigger than at NLHE
- The community voted for 50bb minimum buy-in tables and I still believe that would be there right thing to do.
- The ratholing issues are important to fix as long as it doesn't take away table selection. Without table selection the rake will make even more games unbeatable.

Open Discussion: Ratholing, Table/Seat Selecting, and More!

PLO players, please voice your opinions and discuss.

Many thanks and best regards,

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