limped pot play
Posted by nerevar23
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Low Stakes
limped pot play
3 people call you check in the bb with lets say 9266 flop comes 923r sb checks. I usually bet pot and barrel blank turns but it doesn't seem very good.
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It doesnt.
Your'e super MW with a weak hand OOP. Yes you have 2 pair but its top and bottom and pretty low, nines and deuces. You do have 2 pair on the flop but will most likley not have this on the river.
I think it would be a good idea to NOT bet pot here and i think checking here is best. You have hand which has some showdown value but you do not want to build a big pot with it MW because by the river you will very often be beat and you cant even stand a raise OTF with this hand.
Check flop see what happens if someone bets small and others fold i think you can call and try to play a small pot OOP. If it goes bet pot and someone else calls, it is best to just fold even though I think is very nitty but having weak 2 pair and being OOP wont play well on future streets.
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