like, dislike or whateva?

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like, dislike or whateva?

villain plays 47/30 with a 11% 3b in 5max games. ive never really played him heads up before. his 3b is 13% vs me bb btn in 5max, so im guessing itll be somewhere between 15-25% heads up (as my btn-raise will go from somewhere in the 50s to the 80s).

great flop, but were not doing great vs the strongest hands/draws obv. my default is to call here ip. he cbets 57% as the 3bettor oop in SH-games. bet-fold 1/4. cbets 67% ip and bet-fold 2/2.

i was thinking that it might be nice to have this in my raising range (vs some i will prob play a lot vs in the future), i obv wont be happy gii but i will if he jams. we can def fold out better hands (mainly Kx/AA even if he has a gs) but i dunno if i like raising big so he may peel fold that which is fine.

do you like a raise, or a raise of a particular size or do you dislike raising and think that calling is the only way to go or is it whatever? do you think the only clear benefit of raising is that we will have a less face up range on turn+rivers when draws complete?

some stats: villain will match hand range Kss,AAss,AssK,KJ,KK,JJ about 27% of the time. he will have a better made hand about 50% of the time (so a better hand but no draw weak draw about 25% of the time)

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