KT98ss in 3betpot - how do you value bet your range here?

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KT98ss in 3betpot - how do you value bet your range here?

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BB: $58.61
UTG: $79.48
MP: $24.20
CO: $48.07
BN: $55.45 (Hero)
SB: $138.56
only about 40 hands on villain at the time of playing, but he was on the loose/aggressive donkey side with about 65/35/14
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is BN with T 8 K 9
3 folds, Hero raises to $1.75, SB raises to $5.75, BB folds, Hero calls $4.00
Flop ($12.00) 8 8 7
SB bets $11.40, Hero raises to $45.60

These spots come up so often for me and im not sure if im playing them correctly. Just want to lay out my thoughts and here, how other people play this spot.

OTF: After analyzing i really dont like that im raising here and definitly not happy about the sizing. Normally i think i should just call here, because my hand is extremly strong and needs almost no protection in a 3betpot. But in my experience when people bet pot or close to it in a 3betpot, they are not folding. So in hindsight i think calling or makes most sense, especially against a guy like this who has a wider 3betting range. If i elect to raise i think maximum 24$ is a good sizing. Its effectivly the same, but he can talk himself into a call, bc its such a good price and then he may feel commited OTT.

But lets say i have a hand like KQJ8 without 2 BDFD. Would you be more inclined to raise here, because your hand doenst play as good on turns and rivers? I think im still calling, bc it has 9 outs to a fullhouse.

But lets say we have A823ds(no BDFD). I think its reasonably to open on a button, but close to calling a 3bet. I think raising here makes much more sense as it plays way worse on turns and rivers.

What do you think? Just wanted to strike up a discussion and see other peoples viewpoints.


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koky 5 years, 8 months ago

seem to me like a perfect spot to just flat:
-cards that make a straight either give you a str of a boat
-there is no FD
-opp is loose/agressive, let him room to bluff us off an OP or OE
-basically there is no bad T card and we aint folding any T

koky 5 years, 8 months ago

i would flat those 2 hands also. If he is pot/calling AAxx/KK/QQ here then he is most likely shoving turn himself and hands that have some EQ vs you are not going to pot/FOLD

ocasionally he will hit a K on the turn and he will have KK but you just let him get away with 5-20% EQ or you dont give him a chance to bluff shove dead on Turn

God_of_War 5 years, 8 months ago

yes that big raise is rly bad especially if he is loose aggressive.
if you want to raise, I choose naturally a small sizing. calling might be even better cause he likely to 2barrel bluff or committ easier with overpair

Muehlenzwick 5 years, 8 months ago

the longer i think about it, the more i am shocked that i raised that sizing.

Any thoughts about the KQJ8 and A832 examples? Really would love to hear about that.

devwil 5 years, 8 months ago


Calling the 3bet might be okay, but it's something you should think about and/or investigate further. Villain can be 3betting Kxxx or T98x here, and if they are you can find yourself in some really rough spots. We need to find folds to 3bets in PLO, and this might be one of them (but I'm honestly not sure; it's an area of my own game I need to be more precise with).

Raising this flop is just really hard to support. You really don't want to strengthen villain's range here (you don't want to find A8, 87, or 77!), and you also don't want to fold out the hands they can give you more bets with (which is going to be a TON of their range). Furthermore, with T9 you extra don't need to protect because you have an OESD (meaning your trips are less vulnerable to sometimes awkward runouts).

Calling is just way more +EV here.

Thinking a little more abstractly about it... facing a PSB from the preflop 3bettor... I honestly don't think I have a raising range at all here.

Muehlenzwick 5 years, 8 months ago

appreciate your reply. While being tight preflop is generally a good idea folding this hand against a 3bet is way too tight. Were talking BUvsSB calling a 3bet from a Loose/aggressive / close to maniac villain.

Thinking a little more abstractly about it... facing a PSB from the preflop 3bettor... I honestly don't think I have a raising range at all here.

thats an interesting idea. i think that makes sense, because you dont have many bluffs in that spot although your taking away your ability to raise a hand like JT9x repping a 8 and taking the pot right away like in this hand.

devwil 5 years, 8 months ago


I'm fine with forfeiting my ability to bluff JT9 here. I just really don't think we need to be preoccupied with having a bluffing range on this flop with the action as it occurred.

Again, the decision of whether or not to strengthen villain's range is paramount to me in this and many postflop situations. If we just call JT9 I suspect our EV is significantly higher than if we raise flop. If we raise, we probably do get some folds (but not a ton imo) but we also strengthen villain's range to be more weighted towards hands that have us in miserable shape.

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