Know your wrap's

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Know your wrap's

Hey guys.
I want to share something with you who are also learning PLO and looking every possibility to make your game better.
Like i mentioned in my first post i just started with PLO myself.
I am now done reading PLO from scratch which was enormous help to me on understanding core PLO fundamentals.

On a side I've been learning some math and numbers overall related to PLO, like % hit certain board, straight or flush complete % OTT or OTR, SPR, out counting and discounting, implied odds and more. This all of course been huge help at the tables yet i am still very much green and much practice is needed and awaiting for me.

But second biggest "AHA" moment was when i learned, i mean really learned or memorized how to read wraps, how many outs we have on them and how many of them are clean. It made playing at the tables so much easier and decisions making process much faster and of course they are now confident, since i know instantly how many total outs and clean outs i have on different board textures thus calculating my equity more accurate and making less mistakes in really simple and basic spots actually.

Anyhow my m8 and I pushing together to learn PLO properly and so we began to memorize those possible wrap. Cool thing was that next day m8 came back to me with a cool study way or module i guess so we together improved and tested each other and yea, now my game is so much better so i was thinking maybe someone else can find a help from this.

So to take a full advantage and test yourself you should download simple tool called CueCard
CueCard is a simple flash card program for studying just about anything. It lets you enter cards on the computer, and then quiz yourself.

After you got the program you can either build your own cards or download mine which i uploaded HERE
When you open my curecard file it automatically opens cuecard program with my created cards which you can then modify, add, delete.

Below are some screenshots of what this wrap thing is all about.

First you can see overall view
For example first line under wrap around connector 2-2 xxyyxx 20 (14)
Means that we have a hand that have 2 card over and 2 under related to board connectors. We have 20 outs in total and 14 of them are clean.
x= our card
y= board card
* be aware that some portion of broadway hand example there do not match the system, and you really should focus and recognizing board textures.
Ex: Flop QJ2 and we have AKT9 looks like wrap around connector 2-2 but definitely is not. Here we have 16 outs and all of them are clean. 3xA;3xK;3xT:3x9 and 4x8 = 16
Ex2: Flop: AKx , hand QJT is inside wrap which has 9 outs total and all clean.

CueCard screenshots

I have total of 34 cards, many will be the same just with different boards and hands.

Cards are in random order, recognize the board and hand, answer how many outs and clean outs then click show answer, if you got it right then click correct, otherwise Incorrect. This will measure your % right answers so when some cards will have low % then you can focus more on them till known good.

In this example flop comes T92 and and we hold KQJx - when you have learned your wraps you now should instantly know that you have>
3-0 wrap around connector with a 13 nut outs.

Hope you find it helpful and if you have some feedback or thoughts then please let me know :)



Loading 7 Comments...

Roberto 9 years, 2 months ago

Did you exclude the 1-3 (wrap), 1-2 (2 gap) and 1-1 (2gap) on purpose?

Good job! Started looking at this myself, thanks for the inspiration!

feelitwell 9 years, 2 months ago

I did not exclude them on purpose. These are quite uncommon and not many of those what can make such wraps should be played in our ranges, i guess.
Correct me if i'm wrong.

Glad it's a help :)

Roberto 9 years, 2 months ago

I play mainly HU. but trying to learn 6max. In HU you play a lot of those hands. And surely you raise KJT8ds (1-1 on Q9x flop), KT98ds (1-3 on QJx flop) and J976ds (1-2 on T8x flop) if it's folded to you on the button in a 6max game?

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