i think i duffed this one

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i think i duffed this one

Hero (SB): $25.10 (100.4 bb)
BB: $13.51 (54 bb)
UTG: $23.97 (95.9 bb)
MP: $22.94 (91.8 bb)
CO: $22.85 (91.4 bb)
BTN: $37.89 (151.6 bb)

Preflop: Hero is SB with 8:heart: Q:spade: 8:diamond: A:heart:
3 folds,BTN raises to $0.85, Hero calls $0.75, BB calls $0.60

preflop is std call I believe, although vs squeeze happy BB I would likely fold.

Flop: ($2.55) 8:spade: 5:diamond: 9:diamond: (3 players)
Hero checks,BB bets $2.43, BTN calls $2.43,Hero raises to $12.15, ]BB raises to $12.66, BTN calls $10.23, Hero calls $0.51

BB donk betting range is nuts, JTdd, 98dd and BU range is even wider to include QJdd,T7dd,99,55 so I decide to raise and try to get max value from his drawing hands. ( if I just call and turn is 5:club: it will kill the action most likely) when BTN flats again I think his range hasn't changed much. could probably drop T7dd and QJdd but idk I think given pot odds he still might call those.

Turn: ($40.53) Q:heart:(3 players)
Hero bets $11.59 and is all-in, BTN calls $11.59

JT got there, if I check and BU jams im getting priced to call..if he checks back that would be horrible (T7dd for instance) so after some internal debate I decide better to jam myself then possibly allow BTN to realize equity.

: ($63.71) Q:club: (3 players, 1 is all-in)

what are your thoughts?


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leadnuts 6 years, 5 months ago

also, how do I get suits? I play on WPN which isn't supported. is there a specific format I can convert to in HM2 that will work with colors and suits?

devwil 6 years, 5 months ago

With no secondary draws, a non-nut made hand, and an extremely wet board... you should slow down on this flop. Just call and close the action. This may even be a fold, honestly, just because our visibility will be so poor for most runouts.

With Ad8d instead of Ah8h, this is a fistpump jam. But we're lower in our range than it may appear at first glance.

It's just too easy for this hand to be in really rough shape, and future streets (especially OOP) are going to be really difficult. You also only have 1 nut out, really.

This isn't a spot for getting overzealous with second set.

leadnuts 6 years, 5 months ago

I dont like calling flop at all, too many turns to guess on. the thought of folding crossed my mind but BB is pretty active, probably a little spewy as he just lost a big hand to BTN so I just assumed their ranges could be wider in this spot. raise or fold, once BU calls I should be folding here as if I am ahead, its not by much and if im behind he could likely be holding a blocker or two as well as having me beat. (678x,679x)

what is this "visibility" you speak of? ive read it in a few posts, is there a video I should watch in the library?

devwil 6 years, 5 months ago

leadnuts Re: "visibility", yeah it's weird how it's a very common term but I have no idea where to point to for an original definition. Either way, it refers to your ability to "know where you're at", in older terminology. A high-visibility situation is one in which you know with a great deal of confidence whether or not you have the best hand (or enough equity to continue/etc).

For visibility in PLO in particular, this video may be a good one to watch: https://www.runitonce.com/poker-training/videos/3betting-with-visibility/

There may be better "visibility" resources I'm not aware of, but the above should help.

Anyway: if you don't want to call this flop and try to fill up (hopefully not against quads or a better FH), I think you should fold it. You're value-eviscerating yourself too often by raising, imo.

devwil 6 years, 5 months ago

leadnuts Because plolearnerguy advocates very tight play and seems to never explain their recommended lines. (Calling you out for sure, plolearnerguy, but only because—as you can see—blurting out "fold pre" is really not very edifying for someone to read.)

That said, folding this preflop isn't horribly terribly awfully tight.

Being in the small blind, you're going to be out of position 100% of the time against 100% of the table, so it tends to be a position where you want to play pretty tight preflop when someone else has already VPIP'd.

Being out of position with this combo, you'll often run into situations exactly like what happened: you flop well-ish but—being out of position—your visibility issues and inability to control the pot (that's the in-position player's privilege) make this a very difficult hand to navigate.

Now with that being said, I think that you can VPIP suited ace hands profitably at a pretty high frequency at these stakes nearly regardless of position (nearly... don't go opening trashy Ax*x hands UTG imo), as flush-over-flushing players can make you a lot of money.

But the medium pair you've got here is not a major feature, and if you're going to be committing a lot of chips with a quite non-nut set and no flush possibilities postflop, this may be a combo that you should fold preflop due to the reverse implied odds.

To put it another way: the flop that came just isn't really the one you're looking for with this hand, and the truly good flops are uncommon enough that this hand isn't a mandatory VPIP in the SB.

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