I feel Like i run so bad. :(

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I feel Like i run so bad. :(


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CustomSuited 10 years, 10 months ago

Not sure what the complaint is here, you're up money and 26k hands isn't a terribly large sample size. There was also a huge downswing in the middle that looks like it could be tilt/bad play. Just focus and study/keep playing. Don't worry about the short term results for now.

24Caliber 10 years, 10 months ago

Probably feels epic to you but imagine that you flipped a coin 10 times, if it came heads ten times in a row we'd all be like thinking it is epic....however if you flipped that coin 10000 times then the chances of it coming 10 times in a row somewhere in there is very realistic - how many hands have you played in your lifetime?  Also lets say you are running bad...what do you want us to do about it lol<
The EV line; in my experience it is a very poor representation of what variance actually is (I'm not even sure if HEM figures it out correctly for Omaha), there are so many factors that you can't control or you are unaware of that impact the results greatly - focus your energy on what factors you can control and improving your game is my advice, stayed focused on your goals.

brumbajan 10 years, 10 months ago

I am sure there is a point to this post and someone will get it soon and advice. Suffice to say, graph looks fine to me (I would be pretty happy with the result shown). Try Jared Tendler's book and podcasts

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